Chapter 46

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Deep breaths in.

Deep breaths out.

Callie mentally prepared herself for what she was about to do next, running her fingers over the cold metallic surface of the door knob.

After waking up to the sounds of gunshots she was scared shitless. She had never been so terrified in her entire life and was planning to stay inside of the room but her conscience was bothering her about Him.

And being the person she is she decided to take a quick peek outside and after that she'd just go back inside the room...that won't hurt will It?

With her heart in her stomach, cold sweat running off of the delicate skin on her back and forehead, her eyes running wild scanning the her surroundings  making sure to look behind her every now and then with the broom stick she had found earlier tightly pressed to her chest as she licks her now dry lips as it trembled uncontrollably with fear....fear of the unknown.

Get a hold of your self!.

She tells herself as she continues down the ghost like hall way, the cold tiles pressing against her skin. Her only company was the blank white walls which held no pictures whatsoever, with little to no light illuminating the area making the situation even worst. She felt like one of those stupid characters from a horror movie who always gets killed for being an idiot, but to be fair her first thought was to call the cops but then she remember she didn't speak Italian.

She suddenly stops dead in her tracks holding her breath. She had heard voices. Clutching onto the broom stick like it was life itself she slowly made her way closer and closer towards a door that was partially open so she could see what was happening inside as the voices got louder and louder until they turned into shouting in different languages and she could have swore she heard a Russian ascent but what really got her attention was his voice.

Callie sucked in a lung full of air before peeping into the dimly lit room. There were a least 6 men inside the room with there backs turned to her so she couldn't see there faces clearly. She gasps in her mouth when she saw someone pointing a gun at a man who was tied to a chair with a couple bruises on his face with blood running down the side of his face.

" Non otterai ma niente da me!...." (You'll never get anything out of me!) the man in the chair shouts in Italian.

....." Figlio di puttana!....."( You son of a bitch!) One of the men shouts in a thick Italian accent before landing a punch in the man in the chair's face as Callie winced as if she was the one being punched.

Her mind was bombarded with millions of questions because as it is she couldn't fathom what was going on and why was he involved in whatever this was.

Craining her neck she pushed herself a little closer and regretted the moment she caught a glimpse of him, and even though she couldn't see his face that well she knew it was him.

There in front of her was Damon in his usual sharp business attire, but what she saw next made her heart beat even faster. She gasped in her mouth as her eyes widened taking in the scene in front of her....fearing the worst.

He cocked the gun in his hand pointing it towards the man bond to the chair.

....." Questa è la tua ultima  possibilità dicci cosa vogliamo sapere....."( This is your last chance tell us what we want to know) he said calmly in a thick Italian accent.

....."Mai! puittosto muoio....." (Never! I rather die)he chuckles darkly wiggling in the chair trying to get free.

...." Reasonable....." he comments with the gun pointing towards his head before.....

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