Chapter 42

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When Callie got to Damon's house she was extremely drunk and something she never thought she would ever be...high. Tru had tricked her into drinking and eating her special brownies that contains marijuana telling her how fun it was and we all know how persuasive Tru can be.

She was now leaning against the wall trying to go up the stairs to change her clothes.

...." That evil little woman...I know she did this just to get back at me for laughing at her....." Callie grumbles to her self slurring her words a bit.She was completely out of it not knowing what she was saying or doing. She attempted to climb the stairs again when the front door swings open and slams shut.

....."Who's there?....." she calls out squinting her eyes because everything was a little blurry and the room was spinning from her field of vision.

....."Oh it's just me up the stairs would you....." she says as soon as she saw Damon stretching out her arms towards him.

...."Are you....are you drunk?...." he asks putting his briefcase on the floor looking at her from head to toe.

....." Is it that obvious...." she slurs her words giggling.

....."Fuck!...Callie what if something had happened to you....." he growls grabbing her arms shaking the life out of her.

....."Fine then....." she pushes him away....."I'll help my self fucking prick....." she snaps.

....."I'm sorry I'll help you...." he apologises picking her up bridal style.

She giggles when he suddenly picks her up putting her arms
around his neck,resting her head against his chest listening to the steady beating of his heart.

...."I like it when you hold me like this it makes me feel special...." Callie mutters against his chest as he begins to climb the stair case with her....." But I know I'll never be special to you cause you only want to fuck me and leave me like the rest....." she finishes hiccuping.

He starred down at her feeling a little guilty.Something he had never felt before. Something tugged at his heart strings when he realised this is why she didn't want to have sex with him,it was because she didn't want him to leave her but he would have never done that to her because he actually cares for her. All these new feelings were just too much for him so he just left her in his room and went to his home office to finish up some work thinking she was asleep but little did he know that he was in for long crazy night.

Callie pushed the sheets off of her body still in the clothes she wore to the club still very out of it. And this is why she never does these things she gets all crazy and say stupid shit and it never goes away until she sleeps it off and wakes up with a killer headache.

...."Damon?....." she calls out but got no answer in return.

She stumbles with the room spinning under her feet heading towards the bathroom to change her clothes.

Damon was so consumed in his work that he didn't realise when Callie walked into the room until she called out to him.

He immediately looks up taking off his reading glasses and was about to get up when Callie pushes him back down laughing her head off ,putting her right leg over his lap so that she now straddling him.

Damon gulps biting his bottom lip when he could feel her lower region pressing against his cock.

...."Ca-ca-Callie w-what are you doing?....." he stutters trying his best to control himself.

...."I...I....I was...aaaa what's the word again?....." she cocks her head to the side looking into his eyes smiling.

She looks so cute he thought to himself about to get up when she starts hopping up and down in his lap making it worst for him to control himself.

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