Chapter 45

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....." Damon....." Callie gasps for air,completely out of breath as her eyes begun to water fighting to stay open. The pressure was just too much for her, she hadn't expect this to happen so soon....not after everything she told herself. She didn't think it would be this painful.

She grabs a hand full of the sheets, fisting the thin material in her small hands as her lungs faught to take air into her body....."Damon please....." she pleads almost wheezing.

....."Callie!!...." Damon bellows rushing into the room and onto the regular sized bed, scooping her up into his strong arms, sitting her onto his lap. He had went out to talk to the pilot to find out how long they had until they reached there destination and was on his way back to the room when he heard h
....."NO!!..NO!!...." Callie screams grabbing onto his shirt with her face beried into his chest as Damon tries to calm her down.

....." facoula!,il mio piccolo gattino stai bruciando...." (fuck!, my little kitten you're burning up) he touches her forehead.

She trembled in his arms as she tried to calm her self down. She had a terrible dream about the Jet crashing and them sinking into the depths of the ocean with no hope of surving. She didn't think her fear of heights would affect her but she was terribly wrong, and now here she was having a panic attack.

....."Hey,hey..look at me..look at me....." Damon calmly said to her cupping her cheeks in his hands.

....." Everything is going to be ok. Okay?....." he asks her as soon as her breathing was slowly going back to normal along with her body temperature. Callie didn't know what was happening but there was something about the way he was looking at her. His sea colored mesmerizing blue eyes held a softness that managed to calm her down.

....." Okay...." she croaks her throat a little dry.

....." Wait here I'll get some water for you....." he says before leaving the room.

....."Here...." he hands her the glass of water.

....."What happened kitten?....." he asks, the concern dripping off his words as his eyes searches hers.

....." I-I...I don't want to talk about it....." she looks away feeling a bit uneasy, staring out of the small glass window to see nothing but complete darkness.

....." I understand...." he says before going back to his side of the bed turning his back to her.

Was it something she said?...did she hurt his feelings?. Callie thought to herself staring at the back of his head.

She sighs before going over to him slipping her hand under the sheets and around his waist as she inhales his scent.

....."I had a dream that we crashed into the ocean and we both died...." her voice cracks at the end as the horrifying images of her dream flashes before her eyes.

She bit her lip a little hurt when he didn't respond and was about to pull away from him when he suddenly spins around, facing her brushing the little pieces of stray hair away from her eyes.

....." I won't let anything happen to you ok?....." she nods her head completely lost in his deep blue eyes.

...." Do you have to always do that?...." Callie asks when she was about to fall asleep and felt his little friend poking her in the ass. And she didn't know why but it was almost as if he was naked, or it was it her imagination?.

....." I can't help it if am attracted to you....." he whispers into her ear with his deep velvety voice pulling her closer causing a shiver to run down her back when she could feel his hardness pressing against her ass.

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