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In the demon world, there was a fire in the castle Eden and everyone was doing their best to escape from the blaze. All except for (Y/n), Yui and the enemy. (Y/n) used the last of her strength to send the enemy into the flames killing them in the process. (Y/n) clutched her wound and she looked around her.

"How did it come to this?"

(Y/n) asks her self as she got up onto her feet weakly while clutching her wound. 

A few weeks earlier~

In the demon world...


My name is (F/n) (L/n), I was once an ordinary girl who had everything she ever wanted until a fire started in my home nine years ago and I was raised by a murderous who call themselves, Killer Cobras. However, a year later, Boss left me at a local church and I was adopted into the Komori family but then, my hellish nightmare got worse. The nuns, priests and Seiji began to neglect and abuse me. Around that time I had enough so I ran away from the church, in doing so, I killed a priest for trying to rape me and I then ended up Auntie's care AKA Nana.

My life was peaceful and happy for a while until Seiji turned up out of the blue and he told me that I was going to live with some 'relatives' that even I nor Yui knew about but when I met them, it turned out that these relatives were actually the Sakamaki brothers who were vampires. I got along all right with them for a while until the Mukami brothers showed up and they also started to suck mines and Yui's blood. During the time when Yui and I got kidnapped by them, Arata, a demon/vampire, showed up and he was after my blood, which I learnt, later on, was demon blood that I inherited from Himiko the Demon Queen who also turned out to be my ancestor.

I was able to beat Arata thanks to the help of Kino Sakamaki and alongside my old friends, the Tsukinami brothers Carla and Shin. However, after three months passed since that incident, I've been going through some changes both mentally and physically but, I didn't want to tell the brothers because knowing them they'll be worried sick about me.

Anyway, right now, I'm at Kino's castle with the Queen's Bane still stabbed into the historic stone and it's showing me what Himiko's clan was like including the family tree.

"No matter how many times I look at it, it always amazes me every time."

"I know, have you learnt anything else about Himiko and her clan?"

"Nothing new just the same as usual, still, I only wished why there are some people out there who wanted the demon blood that is now running through my veins."

Kino placed his hand on my shoulder and he spoke up.

"I'm sure something will pop up but in the meantime, just don't let it bother you that much."


I walked over to the sword and I pushed the end of its hilt again making it turn around and cancelling out the stone's power. I pulled out the sword and I put it on the back of my bag's strap. I said my goodbyes to Kino and I saw Carla standing outside waiting for me.

"Are you done?"

"Yeah, I just need to head back to Karl-sama's castle and drop this sword off."

I referred to the Queen's Bane. Carla held me close and then he teleports the both of us back to Karl's castle and I gave back the sword to him. Once I was done with that, Carla and I headed back to the human world. As Carla was walking me back to the Sakamaki mansion, I could hear him sniffing me a little.

"What's the matter, Carla?"

"Your scent has changed."

"My scent?"

Yui's Sadistic Sister: A Demon's FateWhere stories live. Discover now