Shin Ending

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As the vampire brothers waited for my answer, I looked at the founders and I smiled at a certain Wolf/vampire.

"I chose Shin."

Shin cheered happily while Carla shook his head in annoyance and disappointment and the others either sighed or groaned in disappointment. Shin came over to me and hugs me tightly as he wagged his tail.

"Yay!! this is the best news I've heard all day! I'm so glad you chose me (Y/n)-chan!!"

"I'm glad you think so but, can you please let go before you crush me to death?!"

Shin released me and he laughed nervously.


Shin said with a smirk. Ayato frowned and he then asked me.

"What the hell?! you pick that mutt face over me?!"

"Of course, I did, you arrogant Oreo, besides, I fell in love with Shin from the moment I met him."

A tick mark appeared on Ayato's head after I called him that nickname making the others laugh at him. Karl chuckled and he then spoke up.

"Well, it looks like she's made up her mind, Shin, make sure you treat her well."

"And if you even think about pulling another one of your pranks on her, well...I don't need to remind you what happened the last time."

Shin gulped nervously when Carla reminded him of the time when I kicked his bum when he pulled a prank on me. I giggled at his reaction and then Shin spoke up.

"I know, but it doesn't matter, besides, she's mine now."

Shin said with a smirk before he held me close and then he kissed me on the lips roughly which caught me by surprise. Toby gagged when he saw this and he then spoke up.

"Get a room you two!!"

Shin pulled away from my lips and he smirked at the others.

"We've already got one reserved, see ya."

Shin said before he picked me up like a bride and he then teleported to my bedroom. Shin placed me on my bed and he then said to me.

"Wait here a minute."

Shin kissed my cheek before he went into the bathroom which confused me a little until a few minutes passed and then he came back with a smirk on his face.

"Let's take a bath, my little demon."

I blushed bright red and I tried to escape but Shin grabbed my wrist and he held me close to his chest before he dragged me into the bathroom and he locked the door. I gasped when I felt Shin's hands on my chest and they were massaging my breasts as he held me close.

"Come on (Y/n)~ you know you want this as well."

I didn't deny it because I wanted Shin as well but, I felt a little embarrassed when he said this. Shin turned me around and then he kisses my lips roughly and I kissed him back as I let his hands take off my clothes and I did the same with his clothes.

Shin kissed and bit my neck leaving a few love bites on my skin as he began to remove my underwear but I tried to cover my chest because I was nervous about showing my naked body to him. Shin smirked at me and he then said to me.

"Hey don't be nervous, you're so beautiful."

I looked at Shin and he smiled at me before he kisses me again before he finally removed my bra and knickers. Shin removed his boxers before picking me up in his arms and he then carried me to the bathtub which was filled with warm water. Shin lowered us both into the warm water and then he starts to kiss my lips again and he then forced his tongue into my mouth which caught me off guard but I let him search my mouth.

I felt one of Shin's hands squeezing my behind while the other massaged my breast. I moaned into the kiss and then Shin pulled away from my lips and then his lips attacked my neck. I moaned loudly when he found my sweet spot and then I felt Shin's lips travel down from my neck to my chest. I gripped onto his hair tightly and then Shin bites the top of my breast making a moan come out of my mouth.

"*Chuckles* you like it there? good because I'm about to give you more pleasure."

Shin said in a seductive tone before kissing me on the lips once more and then he positions himself at my entrance. Shin looked at me and he then asked me.

"Do you want me to continue?"

I smiled at Shin and I nodded my head before he kissed me on the lips. I felt Shin entering me making me flinch in pain. Shin noticed this and he moved slowly making sure that I wasn't in much pain and he then said to me.

"Don't worry...the pain will pass."

Shin whispered into my ear as held me close to his chest. Once the pain passed, I moved my hips in pleasure and then Shin began to pick up the pace. I moaned loudly in pleasure as Shin went faster and then my demon instincts took over. I looked at Shin's neck and I then bit it roughly so that I was tasting his blood. Shin moaned a little as well when he felt my fangs on his neck. I pulled away from his neck as I felt my stomach tighten.

"Ahh~ S-Shin!"

"Damn (Y/n)-chan! you're so tight!"

Shin shouted as Shin gripped onto my hips tightly and he was also close as well. I gripped onto his hair tightly and I screamed in pleasure as I released onto his member. Shin continued to pound into me and he said to me.

"I'm not through with you yet."

I hugged his neck tightly as Shin went at an inhuman speed making me cum over and over again. I started to feel exhausted and then finally Shin released his hot seed into me. I rested my head on Shin's chest and I couldn't move.

Shin smiled at me and then he picks me up and he places me on the floor after putting a bathroom robe on me and then he puts his boxers and trousers back on. He walked over to me and then he picks me up like a bride and then he places me on the bed and pulls the covers over our warm and damp bodies. Shin hugs me close and he kisses my head and he said to me.

"I love you, (Y/n)-chan."

"I love you too, Shin."

Shin maybe some werewolf/vampire (A/n Sorry I don't know which is which with Shin half of the time), but, I love him very much and I will always remain by his side until the day I die, I love you so much, Shin.

The End...

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