Final Serenade: Kino

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The final performance was Kino and I was looking forward to it but, the other brothers still kept glaring at one another and I knew that they wanted me to pick out a winner but, I had a little surprise in store for them. Just then, Kino got onto the stage and he announced his song.

"(Y/n), your little vampire prince has a song specially for you! It's called imitation Game!"

I smiled at this and then Kino started performing.

After Kino finished performing the others were shocked and I clapped for him. Kino got off the stage and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and he smirked at me.

"(Y/n), from the moment I met you, I thought you were like the other half-demons who were weak and pathetic because of their half demonic powers but you proved me wrong when I watched that fight you had with Arata. Since that night, I got to know you more and what your life was like before you became the person I see now."

I smiled at Kino's comment about me before he continued.

"I know that I was a spoilt prince in the past but when you came along you changed me completely and I've started to have these feelings in my chest especially after what happened that night when you....*sighs* anyway, when you came back to me, I was so happy and I realised that these feelings I've felt in my heart, is love. I love you, Hime."

I smiled at Kino's comment and I said to him.

"Well I'm glad that you feel that way now because believe it or not, I was this close to smacking you when you told me about how you hated my kind."

Kino looked nervous and the others chuckled at him and I then said to him.

"But, I'm glad you don't hate my kind anymore and I'm also glad you're not acting like a brat like you used to but do me a favour and get rid of that habit."

"What habit?"

"Playing on your damn phone 24/7, honestly, you're gonna get yourself square eyes one of these days."

The others burst out laughing when I said this and then Kino looked back at me and he patted.

"And people say that I have a cheeky mouth, but that's what I love about you, Hime."

Suddenly, I have pulled away from Kino and it was Ayato and he shouted at Kino.

"Get lost Princey boy! (Y/n) belongs to Ore-sama!!"

I sweat dropped at this and then Yuma pulled me away from Ayato and he shouted.

"She doesn't belong to you! she's mine!"

Eventually, the brothers got into a fight while Toby, Yui and I stood there with dumbfounded looks on our faces and a sweat drop on the side of our heads.

Toby: "Oh brother...."

Yui: "Somehow I get the feeling it's like looking in the mirror."

(Y/n): "That's because you and I used to bicker like that until I beat the crap out of you, honestly, they're acting like a pair of kids."

I said as we continued to watch and listen to them bicker. I then smirked at Toby and Yui and said to them.

"But, I've got a little surprise in store for them."

"Huh? Do you? what?"

Yui asked me and Toby smirked at me and I nodded my head at him. I ruffled his and Yui's heads before I said to them.

"Just you two watch and see."

I said as I left to get changed and the Killer Cobras had those items set up for me as well.


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