Nobody Can Save Me

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After we got home, I was now in my room packing away a few things in my canvas bag. Before I started packing, I got changed into my (F/c) jumper, (F/c) winter jacket, (F/c) skinny jeans, (F/c) scarf, my dog tags, my fingerless gloves and combat boots. I packed away some clean clothes, ammo for my pistols (Shoulder, thigh and back), throwing knives, polish for my katana, dagger and throwing knives.

I also packed away, the necklace that Subaru got me for my birthday including the charm bracelet that Kanaoto gave me for my birthday, the group photo of the Killer Cobras, the picture of my birth family and I packed away Oscar into my bag because I didn't want to leave him since he reminds me so much of Toby. I got my pistols and I placed them on my shoulder, thigh and back holsters. I doubled checked to see if I've got everything and I smiled sadly.

"That should do it."

I mumbled before I closed my canvas bag before leaving the room. I looked at my bedroom one last time before leaving. Before I left, I went to see what the brothers and Yui were up to before I leave them for good. I heard someone playing the violin and when I looked through the crack of the door, it was Shu. I smiled at Shu sadly because I knew it was going to be the last time that I was going to hear him play.

I went to Reiji's room and he was fast asleep in his chair with a book on his lap. I knew that he was trying to do some research on my demon blood, however, I couldn't let him help. I walked over to him and I moved the book off his lap and I placed it on his coffee table before taking off his glasses and placing a cover over his sleeping form.

"Thanks for trying to help Reiji, but, this is something I have to do myself."

I whispered before kissing his forehead. I then quietly left his room and I went to see what the moran trio was up to. I went to Laito's room and I saw him on top of Yui and he was sucking her blood. I smirked at them and I thought to myself.

'I hope Yui gets tortured by the triplets and I hope Laito will realise what love really means.'

I thought to myself as I quietly left. I got to Kanato's room and I heard talking to Teddy. I smiled at him and Teddy and I thought to myself.

'The way Kanato talks to Teddy and how much he loves sweets reminds me so much of Toby, I'll miss him the most.'

I thought to myself as I quietly left. I got to the kitchen and I saw Ayato stuffing his mouth with Takoyaki. I smiled at him and I thought to myself.

'That arrogant Oreo...well, he does love his Takoyaki but, he better not cause any trouble while I'm gone, Reiji doesn't need it right now.'

I didn't know where Subaru was so I went to find the Mukami brothers and they were all in the living room. I watched as how Kou stole Yuma's sugar cubs and Yuma tried to get them back. Azusa was looking at his scars and talking to them quietly while Ruki was reading his Father's journal. I smiled at them and I thought to myself.

'I'm so glad that those guys have got a strong bond, I hope it stays that way for a long time because that was the one thing that I had with Toby before he died.'

I couldn't find Subaru so I went to the gardens and I stared at the white roses. I closed my eyes and I remembered about Subaru's Mother who was locked in the tower. I opened my eyes and I thought to myself.

'I hope Subaru will find that special someone who can understand his feelings and control his anger...'

I thought to myself as I ran my fingers over one of the white roses' petals. I looked at the Sakamaki mansion one last time and I remembered the first time when I came here. I sighed sadly and I then mumbled to myself.

"Well, goodbye, my friends."

I was about to leave until I heard Subaru shouting.

"(Y/n)! wait!"

I turned around and Subaru ran over to me and once he got close enough he said to me.

"Where are you going?"

"Away, far away from here."

"What? why?"

I sighed and I looked at Subaru with an emotionless look and I said to him.

"Subaru, ever since that incident earlier, I realise that I'm too dangerous to be around you now, that's why I have to get as far away from you, your brothers and the Mukami brothers as possible."

Subaru looked at me shocked and he then grips onto my shoulders before speaking up.

"(Y/n), don't leave us, you mean so much to me and my brothers."

"It doesn't matter what I do anymore, my demon blood just keeps getting in the way and I'm going to end up killing those who are close to me and I can't risk staying here any longer, I'm scared that I'll kill you and those around me."

Subaru looked at me shocked and he gently loosens his grip on my shoulders before speaking up again.

"But that doesn't mean you to leave us for good, there has to be a way so we can help you."

I looked at Subaru sadly and I said to him.

"Nobody can save me, not even you, your brothers or the other vampires, I have to know why this is happening to me before I do something I'll regret for the rest of my life..."

I cup both of Subaru's cheeks and I said to him.

"I'm sorry Subaru, I have to stay far away from you and everyone else as possible."

I stood on my tiptoes and I kissed Subaru's forehead as the snow started to fall.


My eyes widen when I felt (Y/n)'s lips kissing my forehead. (Y/n) pulled away and she took a few steps back from me. I wanted to try and stop her but my body refused to move.

"Don't go..."

I whispered but she smiled at me sadly.

"For now, this is farewell, Subaru, see ya around."

(Y/N) said as she turned her back towards me and she then leaves. I just stood there watching her leave as the snow fall from the night sky. For the first time, I felt tears in the corner of my eyes and I mumbled to myself.

"Goodbye, little sister..."

*Subaru crying*

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*Subaru crying*


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