A Reunion With The Brothers

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I walked through the corridor of the temple until I finally reached the exit. Once I got outside, I saw Carla, Shin and Kino standing outside waiting for me. I smiled at them and when they heard me coming towards them, they all stood up from their sitting positions from the steps and I then raised my hands in defence.

"Whoa! calm down! you three, it's all right, I'm fine."

They all sighed in relief when they heard me say this. Once I got close to them, the three of them suddenly sniffed me.

"H-hey! what are you doing?!"

They pulled away from me and then Kino spoke up.

"The scent of your blood has changed, so you've finally got your demon powers under control."

I nodded my head and then Carla spoke up.

"Well, that's good to know, anyway, now that's finally over and done with, we should probably get back to the castle and let Karl-sama know about what's happened here."

"I agree, besides, this place is already giving me the creeps."

Shin said as he looked at all of the demons' skeletons that were lying on the ground. I walked over to the sword and after I pulled it out of the stone, Kino then asked me.

"By the way, what does your demon form look like?"

"I'll show you some other time, besides, there are some things that should be kept a secret until the time is right."

"Good point."

Kino said as we left the demon's temple. Once we got to Karl's castle, I saw the Mukami and the Sakamaki brothers entering the castle. Kino, Carla and Shin glared at them and I then placed my hand on Kino's shoulder and I smiled at him and the founders.

"Don't worry, there's no need to be defensive, I'm fine now, you know the reason why I left them and now that I've finally got my powers under control, I can be near them again."

The founders and Kino smiled at me and we then headed inside of the castle. Once we got inside, we heard Ayato shouting at Karl in the living room. We walked into the living room and we heard Ayato shout.

"Where is she?! we know she's here in the demon world!!"

Reiji covered Ayato's mouth and he glared at him.

"Ayato, don't shout at Father."

I held back my laughs and I was also surprised that they haven't smelt my scent yet probably because of Carla's magic. Reiji then said to Karl.

"What Ayato is trying to say, (Y/n) went missing in the middle of the night and we can't find her in the human world, so we came here hoping that she was here, do you know where she might be?"

Karl smirked at the Mukami and the Sakamaki brothers before speaking up.

"Have you asked the founders or Kino yet?"

"We would have but, they weren't home back in the human world so we figured that they might be here along with Doll-chan."

Karl continued to smirk and he then said to them.

"Well, I'm sure they're around here."

"Where are they?"

Ayato demanded and then Karl pointed us and he said to them.

"Look behind you."

They all turned around and they saw me and the other three. I smiled at them and I said to them.

"Hey, guys."

Kou, Laito and Kanato dashed over to me and they pulled me into a tight bear hug.

"Keneko-chan!! yay! thank goodness you're all right!!"

"We were so worried about you Doll-chan!!"

"Don't ever leave us again, (Y/n)-sama!!"

I was struggling to breathe when those three did this to me and I then managed to speak up.

"Guys!! ...can't breathe!!"

Kino and the founders pulled the three idiots away from me. I choked for air for a moment and then Shu glared at me and he then said to me.

"You do know that you've got some explaining to do."

"Yeah, I know."

I stood upright and I then looked at the others and I said to them.

"Guys, I'm really sorry for running away like that, I had a reason for doing so."

"Well you better start explaining, do you have any idea how worried we were?!"

Ayato shouted at me and I then explained to him and the others.

"Look, I know all of you are mad right now but, after what I did to Yuma and Ayato, I felt scared and worried that the pulses that I felt would come back and I might not have controlled myself, so that's why I ran away and I spent two nights with the Killer Cobras for a while until I moved in with those three."

"But go with them?! we could have helped you!"

Ruki said to me and I then glared at him.

"What could have you done?! there was nothing that you guys could have done to help me! I'm stuck with my demon blood for life, it's not like a disease or an illness or what it was like with Yui either, I cannot get rid of my demon blood and I like I said, there was nothing that you guys could have done, why do you think I went with those three in the first place huh?"

Kino and the founders nodded their heads in agreement until Kino spoke up.

"She's right, I mean think about how (Y/n) was feeling when she came to us? she was worried about the changes that she was feeling from before and she was also worried that once her demon powers taken over her mind and body, she might have hurt you guys, that's why she came to us for help she knew that we were stronger than you and we were the only ones that could have stopped her."

I looked away from the others and I didn't say anything after that. Reiji then spoke up.

"I see, that explains everything."

"I know it was wrong for me to do that but, I had no choice besides, none of that doesn't matter anymore, I finally found a way to control my demon powers and I'm fine now, so I can be with you guys again including that annoying, spoilt and useless pop tart."

Yui blushed bright red when I said this, making the others laugh at her nickname. Yui frowned at me and she then said to me.

"Hey!! I was worried about you  and this is the response I get from you?!"

"Well, what did you expect? a warm sisterly reunion? I think not!"

The other laugh even harder when I said this. I smiled at them a little and I thought to myself.

'I'm glad I've finally got my powers under control now, I missed being around those guys, after all, they're like brothers to me and I will do anything to protect them no matter what.'


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