A Favour That Might Come In The Near Future

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After learnt about what was going to happen to me during these five days, Kino, Carla, Shin and I all decided to go to the demon world and get Himiko's sword and find out how she was able to control her demon side. Before we got to the demon world, I got changed into my (F/c) jumper, (F/c) bodywarmer, fingerless gloves, (F/c) jeans and combat boots. I also put on my shoulder, thigh and back holsters along with my pistols.

Once we got there, I felt a chilly wind blew and I shivered a little.

"Brr! I thought it was cold back in the human world but here in the demon world it's  even colder here."

"Well, what did you expect? time does flow a lot slower here, of course, it's gonna be a lot colder here."

I rolled my eyes at Kino and then we started to make our way to Karl's castle. Once we got there, Karl gave me the sword along with a new sheath that a blacksmith made for me.

"Thanks, Karl-sama, we'll be on our way, excuse us."

I said to him but before we left, Karl spoke up.

"But, before you go, (Y/n), let me ask you something.

I stopped in my tracks and I looked back at Karl and he then said to me.

"Do you believe in fate or destiny?"

"Well, I wonder about those things sometimes, like why this is happening to me, why are you asking?"

Karl smirked at me and he then said to me.

"Your fate is close to an end, (Y/n), there's going to come a choice that only you can decide."

I was confused at this and I then said to him.

"What are you talking about?"

"He means that your fate is almost fulfiled and there's going to be a decision that only you can make but, the question is, will it be the right one?"

"I still don't understand."

Karl smirked at me and he then said to me.

"You'll understand when the time comes, for now, go ahead and find out what is happening to you before it's too late."

Once we left Karl's castle, I felt a little creeped out.

"That Karlheinz, he's so mysterious at times it almost gave me the creeps."

"Well, that's Father for you, he likes to toy with some people's minds but for now, let's get back to my castle and find out how Himiko was able to control her power."

I nodded my head and then we headed to Kino's castle. Once we got there, we headed into the room where the historic stone was and I then stabbed the sword in the stone and then the room lit up like the last time I did this. We looked at some of the images and I translated some of the ancient Latin it was showing me and I was getting impatient.

"Grr! none of this information is helping."

"Calm down, I'm sure something will pop up."

Shin said to me. I looked back at some of the images and then another image appeared and I was surprised by this.

"Hang on, I think I found something."

I said as I looked at some of the ancient Latin that was underneath the image that it was showing me.

"Let's see, it says 'Himiko was a powerful ruler but, her demon blood had begun to control her. Himiko knew that once the Year of demons comes around, she will no longer be a half-demon but she'll become a pureblood demon. In order to control her powers, Himiko went to the Demon's temple where she could control her powers and when she did, she became the most powerful half demon that ever lived.'"

Once I finished translating, the image changed into a map showing where the demon's temple is.

"I know that forest, it's the dark woods, it's a place where the exiled demons used to live but, that place is nothing but ruin now."

"And that'll be a perfect spot to hide the Demon's temple."

I said to Carla as I got the map out of my bag. I placed the map against Shin's back and I looked at the image of the area where the demon's temple was and I marked the spot where it might be now.

"There we go, if I'm right, this is where the demon's temple is, now then, let's get going."

I said as I was about to take the sword out of the historic stone but I noticed that the others had worried looks on their faces.

"What's the matter with you three?"

"(Y/n)-chan, we're just worried about what might happen if you can't control yourself anymore."

Shin said to me and he was right, I was also worried what might happen as well.

"I know what you're thinking and you're right, so now is the good time to ask you guys a favour."

The three of them looked at me and I then said to them.

"If there's a time or a moment when I can't control myself or if I don't recognise any of you, I need one of you to stab me through the heart."

They looked at me shocked when I said this and I then continued.

"I know it's a lot to ask but, you three are the only people that I can count on right now especially with my situation because I know that the Sakamaki and the Mukami brothers won't be able to do it, so please..."

I bowed my head to them and I said to them.

"This is a favour that might come in the near future and I am asking you to do this for me."

 I then felt Carla placing his hand on my shoulder and he then said to me.

"You bow your head to no one, we understand what you're trying to ask us."

I looked up to Carla and then Shin said to me.

"Niisan is right, after all, you're our friend (Y/n)-chan and we know that it'll be hard for us but, if this is what want, should the time come, then we'll do it."

I smiled at them and I then said to them.

"Thank you."

"Now enough of this, let's get going."

I nodded my head in agreement before I took the sword out of the stone and we then left Kino's castle.



Back in the human world, the Sakamaki and the Mukami brothers were in the living room and they still had no idea where (Y/n) was. Ruki spoke up.

"Any sign of her?"

Ruki asks them until Yuma spoke up.

"No, we've looked everywhere for her including some of her favourite hang out, where could she have gone?"

They all sat there thinking for a moment until Reiji realised something.

"Wait a minute, what about Kino and the founders? has anyone asked them or are they still out there searching for her?"

"We did ask them but, they didn't know where she was until now."

Laito said to Reiji. Ruki then spoke up.

"I have a feeling that she might be hiding in the demon world with those three."

Ayato stood up with a frown on his face and he then spoke up.

"Ore-sama is not going to let Melons stay with those three any longer! come on!"

Ayato said as he stormed out of the room and then the others followed after him.


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