Aftermath Of The Reunion

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Two days had passed since I was reunited with the vampire brothers. During those two days, I had been training a lot and I got a lot better with my demon powers but I didn't show the vampire brothers my demon form yet, I figured it was best to surprise them when it comes to a fight with the demon priests. Anyway, ever since I was reunited with the brothers, they have been keeping an eye on me, I think they're just worried that I might disappear again.

Right now, I was in town with Yuma and I was wearing my (F/c) jumper, (F/c) scarf, (F/c) winter jacket, a red tartan skirt, (F/c) winter thigh socks, (F/c) gloves, and light brown boots. I was looking at some of the sweets and I could feel Yuma's stare on me. I sighed and I looked at Yuma.

"You don't have to watch me like a hawk, I'm not gonna run away again."

"I can't help it besides, Ruki told me to keep a close eye on you just in case."

I giggled at him and I then said to him.

"Stop being such a worrywart, I've I already explained to you and the others, I was in a bad place at the time and I'm not going to run away again OK? come on."

I said as I placed my hands in my jacket pockets. Yuma and I then walked through the wintery streets and then it started to snow again. I looked at the snowflakes and I noticed that Yuma had a slight frown on his face. 

"Not liking the snow?"

"No, it's always ruining my garden."

"Well, I don't mind the snow and the cold, besides, it doesn't bother me like it used to not since that fateful night."

I said as I remembered that night after the fire. Yuma looked at me surprised and he then said to me.

"Sorry, I forgot the anniversary was coming up."

"Don't be sorry, I'll be fine, come on, let's head back to the castle before I start to catch frostbite on my butt."

Yuma chuckled when I said this. Once we got back home, I suddenly felt someone throwing a snowball at the back of my neck.

"Kya!! hey! who the hell did that?!"

I saw the culprit and it was Ayato and Kou.

"Hahaha! Ore-sama scored a direct hit!"

"Good shot!"

Kou said happily and I then threw two snowballs at their faces.

"Who has scored a direct hit now, Oreo?!"

"Hahahaha!! nice shot (Y/n)!"

Ayato and Kou wiped the snow off their faces and then Ayato shouted.

"You are so gonna pay for that!"

"Get them!"

Kou shouted as we got into a snowball fight. After a while, I shouted.

"OK! OK! timeout!"

Once we stopped having a snowball fight we were exhausted and then Kou spoke up.

"Oh man, how in the world are you so good at dodging and throwing the snowballs?"

"I've done a lot of training with Boss when I was with the killer cobras and Toby and I used to have a snowball whenever the snow was heavy like this."

The others looked at me shocked and then Kou said to me.


"Stop apologising already, I didn't come back to you lot just to see you all miserable when the anniversary date of my family's death coming up, I'll be just fine."

I said as I wiped the snow off myself before walking inside the castle. As I went inside, I could feel those three staring at my behind.


As (Y/n) went inside of the castle, Yuma, Ayato and Kou were staring at her behind.

"Oh man, she's got one hell of a view when she's leaving."

"Ore-sama couldn't agree more."

Ayato said with a smirk. (Y/n) heard what they just said and she smirked to herself.

Meanwhile, back at the Demon Priests castle, Hayate's companion was looking at the leader as he stared at the portal stone. Hayate's companion knew what they were doing was wrong. He was about to walk over to the leader but then, Hayate showed up and he said to his companion.

"Don't even try, now get going."

He nodded his head and left the throne room. Hayate walked over to the leader and he said to him.

"Sir, I'm afraid there's a slight problem, that girl isn't showing any more signs of her turning into a demon."

"Yes, I already knew that something was wrong in the air, go and find out what she did to control her demon side."

"Yes, sir."

Hayate said with a smirk before leaving the castle.



I was walking through the hallways until I sensed danger for a moment. I looked out of the window and I knew that danger was coming and soon. Just then, someone whispered in my ear.

"What's on your mind, Doll-chan?"

I jumped in fright and I glared at Laito for sneaking up on me.

"Laito! don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Sorry Doll-chan, you were lost in thought for a moment and I wanted to surprise you."

I shook my head at him but then he suddenly pinned me against the wall and he smirked at me.

"But, you've been such a bad girl for running away like that, I think you need to be punished for what you've done."

I knew this was going to happen so I moved my head to the side and I said to Laito.

"I knew that this was going to happen sooner or later."

"Hmpf, good girl."

Laito said before he sunk his fangs into my neck and I moaned loudly when I felt the pain on my neck. Laito continued to suck my blood for a while until someone cleared their throat. Laito pulled away from my neck and it was Reiji who had his arms folded and he had a frown on his face.

"Laito, what do you think you're doing?"

"Punishing Doll-chan for running away, besides, no one has gotten round to it so I did you a favour."

Reiji sighed and he then came over to us and he grabs my wrist and pulled me away from Laito. Reiji held me close to his chest and he then said to Laito.

"If anyone is going to punish her, it'll be me."

Reiji held me close to his chest before he teleported with me in his arms. Once we got to his room, I looked at Reiji and I said to him.

"I don't know if I should be grateful that you saved me from Laito or not."

"Hmpf, so you know what is about to happen, good."

Reiji pushes me onto his bed and he bit into the same spot where Laito had bitten me. I moaned loudly when Reiji did this. I ran my fingers through his hair as he did this to me. I stared at the ceiling and I thought to myself.

'I'm so happy to be with the brothers again, things weren't the same without them...I'm glad I'm back with them.'

I thought to myself as I passed out.


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