Serenade 9: Azusa

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While we were waiting for Azusa to perform next, Yuma held me close as I sat on his lap. Ayato glared at Yum and he said to him.

"Oy! Yuma! what gives you the right to hold her close to your chest like that?!"

"Urasai!! I can do what I want!"

I glared at Ayato and he flinched in fear when he saw my death glare. Ayato shuts his mouth and he looked away from me. Yuma chuckled and he rests his head on my shoulder and he said to me.

"Nice one (Y/n)."

"Thank you."

Just then Azusa got onto the stage and he then announced his song.

"This is...a song that's for...a special woman who...changed my life...and who understands the way...I think about pain...this song is for you...(Y/n)."

After Azusa finished singing, he came over to me and he gently grabs my hand and smiles at me gently.

"(Y/n)-san...for my entire life...I thought...pain makes people around me...happy, but...when you came into our house....I felt a strange connection....when you told me about love bringing pain to others...and you don't mind pain...being inflicted on you...I felt a strange feeling in my chest...that was when I was love...I love you...(Y/n)-san."

I smiled at Azusa and then he pulls me away from Yuma so that he can hug me. I patted his head and I said to him.

"Thank you Azusa, you did an amazing performance, I'm glad that I got to talk to someone who is the same as I am and I'm glad that I got to meet you, Azusa."

Azusa smiled at me warmly and then we sat back down on the couch with the others. I noticed that Ruki had vanished.

"Hey, where did Ruki go?"

"Ruki is backstage...practising his poetry..."

I was surprised by this and then Laito spoke up.

"It's true I'll bet he's just nervous as well."

I sweat dropped at his comment and I then spoke up.

"Well, I can't wait, this should be interesting."


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