Looking Into The Past

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While (Y/n) was in the Demon's temple, Carla was sitting on the steps with his arms folded, Kino was also sitting on the steps playing on his phone and Shin was pacing back forth with a worried look on his face. Carla was watching Shin pace back and forth and he then sighed annoyingly before he spoke up.

"Shin will you stop pacing, you're giving me a headache."

Shin stopped pacing and he then looked at Carla before speaking again.

"Sorry Niisan, I'm just worried about (Y/n) since she is trying to control that monster inside of her."

"Look, this is (Y/n), we're talking about, what could possibly happen."


A sudden yell came out of nowhere but it was actually Kino. Kino looked at the founders and he said to them.

"I almost beat the last level."

"Our best friend is in the middle of controlling that monster inside of her and here you are playing your stupid phone!"

Shin shouted making Kino smirk at him.

"Well, it keeps me distracted from stress, unlike a certain worried sick puppy I know of."

"That's it!!"

Shin tackles Kino onto the ground and they began to fight. Carla sighed and he shook his head he mumbled.

"(Y/n), you better hurry up and get that monster controlled otherwise I am going to murder those two before you can even come out of there."

Meanwhile, back inside of the temple, (Y/n) was walking through the corridors of the temple with a torch in her hand and she was looking around. The corridor seemed endless at first until there was a bright light at the end. Once (Y/n) got close enough, the light got brighter and brighter until the world around her turned white. When she moved her arm out of her face, she was surrounded by water and a clear blue sky.


I was shocked at where I was and I had no idea what was going on. I looked around some more and I mumbled to myself.

"What's going? where am I?"

Just then, I heard a dark chuckle out of nowhere making me keep my guard up. I looked around for a moment but I couldn't see anyone until I looked down. I was shocked for a moment because my reflection in the water was different, it wasn't copying my moves because it was grinning at me and her eyes were demon eyes. Suddenly, my reflection came towards me and she grinned at me showing me her fangs before she spoke up.


I jumped a little and I backed away from her. She chuckles at me again with a smirk on her face.

"Jumpy aren't you."

"Who or what are you?"

"I am you of course, except I'm the demon version of yourself."

I then understood what she was trying to tell me and I then spoke up.

"I get it now, you're some kind of doppelgänger aren't you?"

"Exactly, but, I'm more evil than you."

She then starts to circle around me with a smirk on her face and she then said to me.

"Since I'm the darker version of you, there's something that I want to know, why do you keep saying that you want to protect your so-called brothers?"

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