The Demon's Temple

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We got to the dark woods and we were having a look around the forest. It was dark all right and it was nothing more than a wasteland judging from the dead trees and skulls that we found along the way. We came to a stop and then Shin spoke up.

"I swear I think we've walked by the tree an hour ago, are we going in the right direction?"

I looked at the map and I looked at the compass but the needle wasn't working.

"I wish I can tell you, but, the bloody compass wasn't working."

"I guess I forgot to mention that these woods have some kind barrier around here and now compasses are useless around here."

Kino said to us making me growl annoyingly at him. Carla glared at him and he said to him.

"Great, now you tell us."

I put away the map and the compass until Shin's wolves came back and they started barking at Shin. I then asked him.

"What did they say, Shin?"

"They're saying that they've found something and it might be some kind of clue."

"Well, lead the way then."

We followed the wolves and the wolves then showed us what they've found. I moved the bits of fallen leaves and I found a stone tablet.

"It's a stone tablet, it says 'to find what you seek, look to the heavens and the moonlight will lead you to your goal.'"

I stood up and I said to the others.

"It's some kind of riddle."

"What does that mean? look to the heavens?"

I looked up and I mumbled to myself.

"'Look to the heavens'...that must mean the moon... 'the moonlight path'..."

I thought for a moment until I saw something familiar that was covered by some vines and branches. I smirked at this and I then moved the vines and branches out of the way and it was a mirror that I found in Himiko's tomb from before. I stood next to it and I adjusted it.

"And then, let there be light."

The moonlight shines on the mirror and then a pathway of mirrors shun and then it showed us a pathway I smirked at this and I then said to the others.

"Look to the heavens, that means to adjust the mirror to the moon."

"And then the moonlight shines onto the mirror which is also part of the riddle's 'the moonlight will lead you to your goal' smart thinking, (Y/n)."

Carla praises me and I smiled at him.

"Hehe, thank you, come on, let's go and see if this pathway will lead us in the right direction."

I said as I lead the way. Once we got to the end of the pathway, we saw a large temple and I was amazed by this.

"Wow, so this is the Demon's temple."

"I had to admit, this place looks amazing."

I looked down and I saw something familiar. I headed towards the centre of the temple and there was a stone in the centre and there were three large stone pillars. I knelt down to take a better look at the stone and I then spoke up.

"It's some kind of historic stone either that or it's a telepathic stone that's used to leave some holographic messages."

"Only one way to find out, (Y/n), you know what to do."

Yui's Sadistic Sister: A Demon's FateWhere stories live. Discover now