Who Do You Choose To Be With?

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A while had passed since the Christmas party. Sure the brothers still tend to fight over me every now and then but, I still had to decide who I should be with. I was at the Killer Cobras hideout because Boss had an announcement to make. The members gathered in the hideout and then Boss started to make his announcement.

"Guys, there's a reason why I've asked all of you to come here, I know we had our fair shares of good and bad memories before or during your times here with the Cobras. Anyway, what I'm trying to say, is that the Killer Cobras will be disbanded permanently."

We were all shocked by this and then Sota spoke up.

"Boss, why would you split up this family? this isn't like you."

"I agree with Sota, what made you decide this old man?"

Raiden asked Boss with a smirk and then Boss said to us.

"Well, after seeing how much (Y/n) has changed over these last eight years, she made me realise that spending my last days as a killer gang member isn't the right way to go about it, so that's why I decided that we should all go for a fresh start and start our lives again before we came this big family."

I smiled at Boss's decision and I said to him.

"Is the all might Yamamoto going soft?"

Boss chuckled at my comment and he ruffled my hair and he said to me.

"Well, maybe a little bit but, I'm getting old and I can't spend my last days here rotting away in the sewers which were our hideout."

Raiden smiled at this and then Shang spoke up.

"I agree with your decision Yamamoto, I should go for a fresh start as well, I mean, (Y/n) here has been our inspiration sure we all had a rough start but, at some point, our lives will get better that's what Akira said to (Y/n) remember?"

I nodded my head and Sota looked a little disappointed but I held his hand.

"Don't be sad Sota, your life will get better."

"But, these guys have been like family to me, I've got no one else."

"That isn't true, you've still got your big brother, you just have to find him and I know that things will get better for you, you'll see."

Sota looked at me and he smiled at me.

"You're right."

Boss smiled at us and he then ruffled our hair.

"Oh you two, you've both been like a son and daughter to me and I am so proud of you, you two make sure that you keep in contact and never lose that strong bond that you have."

"We won't."

I said with a smile and then Jimmy spoke up.

"You know, I don't think I've told you this but, before I got onto the drugs and the drinks, I used to have a girlfriend and we do have a song but I got thrown out when the misses caught me dealing drugs, I think what Boss is doing is the right thing, that's why I'm going to get myself clean from drugs and dry from the alcohol so that I can show my ex-girlfriend that I've changed and I can become a proper father and boyfriend to her."

I smiled at Jimmy and I said to him.

"You know, that's the most decent thing that you've said without taking the drugs or the drink Jimmy."

"I know, that's the whole reason why Boss announced this anyway."

Boss smiled at all of us and he spoke up.

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