Settling In

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After even more miles of walking, I reached a large brick train station.
The relief I felt was immense. Calmness fell onto me. I felt cleansed, almost as if I was finally leaving behind my dirt covered past.
In reality, I am.

I instantly started walking towards the kiosk, where you would buy your ticket.
As I stood I front of the man inside, I could feel him questioning me. His eyes burned holes into me.

But for some reason, I wasn't nervous.

I glanced at the sign on the wall of the kiosk, where it read,

"Ten Jewel."

In large letters, painted red.
I grabbed my wallet from my cloak pocket, and pulled out ten jewel.
The man held out his hand, and I placed it in his hand.
He put the money in a lock box, and passed me a small piece of paper, with a train on it.

I wandered around the station until I found a train with a sign above it that said, "Crocus."
I walked briskly to the man standing out side in uniform, and handed him my ticket. He gave me a small nod, and I walked onto the train.

It had plenty of people, but I avoided all of them.
I walked to back, and sat in a booth alone.
I laid my head against the wall, and stared out, waiting for the train to start.

That's when the conductor yelled, "Train leaving in five minutes!" Three people rushed on, and crowded into a booth with two others.
"Good thing I made it here quick," I mumbled to myself, closing my eyes.
As if there were no time left at all, the train started to slowly take off.
The wheels shakily rotated, and I couldn't help but think of Natsu. He would hate this train. So old, and slow. Not to mention the consistent quaking.

I wonder if he's looking for me.
No.. Natsu loves Lisanna.. He probably already got over my departure. I frowned to myself.

No, Lucy..Er, Lucille, don't do this to yourself.
Don't feel horrible, if he's moved on, well, that's his loss, not ours. Lucy Heartfilia doesn't even exist anymore. I'm Lucille Hart.
I released a quiet sigh, and thought to myself.
I hope I didn't hurt Levy, Mira, or Erza too much.
Gray is probably thinking about the mission.

I thought that, well, when I left I'd never think about them again.

But I was wrong, so so wrong. I can't stop thinking about them, I just can't.
I began to feel sleepy, and didn't bother to fight it.
I welcomed slumber, anything to escape these thoughts.

~On another train~

Erza was sitting in the booth with Natsu, Gray, and Happy. The air was tense, unlike how it had been before.

"Erza, shouldn't we be searching for Lucy? What if she's in trouble?" Asked Natsu, as he waited for the train to start.

"We already promised to do this job. We have to go do it, before we give Fairy Tail a bad name. Lucy probably needs space anyway." Erza said, sniffling. She crossed her arms, looking out the window.

Gray furrowed his brows.
"She's right." Gray said, staring at the floor sadly. His hands were clasped together.
"What's that supposed to mean?"

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