Over at Last

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The light soon faded out, and when it did, Lucy was no where to be seen. I glanced left and right, but I couldn't spot her anywhere.

I heard a distant sniffling.

"It's okay Lucille. I'm in your head. Don't worry. My deepest gratitude belongs to you. I've been waiting for months in that mirror, it's almost been a year."  She said.

"What do you mean? A year?" I asked frantically.
I felt a cold sensation around me.
"You've been in these trials for nearly three years. Only a few weeks until it will be an entire year, making it a full three years. That stuff with the Tenro Trials was two years ago." She said, woefully.

"But.. I thought I was watching it as it was happening?" I said, clearly confused.

"You weren't.  I just did that to make you feel worse. Sorry.  It was my job, to scare you so much that you commit suicide in these dreams. I've been in here plotting for a while. When you left your identity of Lucy Heartfilia behind, all of your anger, depression and envy with me, we conjoined. I am the old you, but your anger and such has been enhanced. Im an evil being by nature, but you're suppressing it. This place has caused me much pain. Though, now that you've accepted me, the crushing pain I had is gone. Also, your spirits aren't dead. I didn't really destroy their keys. You'll find them in your apartment when you leave this place. I'm surprised you accepted me after that. But, you're supposed to be compassionate and loving. You're The Celestial Angel, after all." I took a moment to process what she said.

So she is Lucy Heartfilia, but my all my negative emotions from the past became a permanent part of her?
And she's like, a demon?
Did I just accept a demon into my body?
She doesn't seem too bad.
I'm not sure what she means about Celestial Angel.

"Celestial Angel? I assure you I'm just a mage. You should know that." She chuckled, as if my question was dumb. "Lucille, honey, this is obvious.
You're now the holder of  the Celestial Angel Magic. You've gotten the starry night charm, the bow and arrow, the outfit. All of that was predetermined by your fate.
However, your life being decided for you ends here. You've paired with me. Not one prophet in Fiore can comprehend where you'll be going in life. You've made a good decision, Lucille." She said, simply.
Wow... Who knew a simple decision could lead to such an alternative path?
"Lucille, you know, I'm kind of a prophet myself. Regardless, we need to get out of here. Watch the mirror, there is one last thing you have to watch, then, we will be freed."
I nodded, and turned back towards the mirror.
Suddenly, I saw Lisanna and Natsu standing together.
Natsu was wearing a tuxedo, and Lisanna... She was wearing... A wedding dress.
I could feel my heart crumble.
I had the biggest crush on Natsu for so so long, and I always felt I had a chance. Until Lisanna came along... She's one of the reasons I fell apart.
Natsu hardly ever spoke to me, he was always concerned about Lisanna. There was also the rumor that.. Lisanna was the one who went to Sorcerer Weekly, and told them horrible things about me.
The searing pain in my chest soon disappeared.
"I'm over it." I said aloud, practically lying to her and myself.
"That's not all." Said Lucy.

Suddenly Gray walked to the mirror.
He seemed upset, and more closed off than ever.
Suddenly, he burst into tears, and walked away.
I was sort of confused...We were like siblings..
Did I? Oh no. I...I broke Gray?

"Yes, Lucille. You were like his little sister. You destroyed his heart. He hasn't shown it yet, but he's hurting inside." Lucy said.

I truly am selfish.. Poor Gray, I hope Juvia can heal him...

I heard Lucy sigh, as Erza walked to the mirror.
Erza had her hands wrapped around her arms.
"Everything is my fault!"
She shrieked, falling to the ground in the fetal position.
I could hear her sniffles and cries, as she laid on the ground. She turned to ash, as Wendy and Romeo walked in front of the mirror.
"She's alive! Please don't give up!"
The yelled simultaneously.
"Shut up. You kids don't know anything."
A voice spoke up.
Are they getting bullied by other members? What the hell?
And finally, Makarov walked in front of the mirror.
Tears fell from his weary eyes, and his tired frame was hunched over.
"Lucy.." He said, as he burned away.
My eyes began to wet, and tears started to fall.
"I'm horrible, aren't I?"
Lucy groaned.
"Of course not. Lucille, it's time to stop crying. Tears will get you nothing, but actions will. It's time to leave now, you made this thing end in remarkable timing. I'm proud of you."
She said.
My heart had a warm fuzzy feeling around it, making my tears instantly dry up. She was right. I can't keep having these short bouts of crying, they make me seem weak.
I stepped forward, and took in a deep breath, clearing my head. The mirror was empty until the black silhouette of a man replaced the nothingness.
"Congratulations Lucille. You've completed the trials, scoring an 85.6% overall.
You've done the unthinkable, scoring so high, yet doing so many things wrong. However, you spent three years here. In your world, that is a lot. Now, I'm here to activate your second origin. Lucille, lend me your hand for a mere moment." He said, extending his hand from the mirror. I stared at his shaded hand. "Just give him your hand, Lucille." Lucy said.
I hesitantly placed my hand into his.
He tightened his grip on my hand, and I felt a burning sensation on my hand.
When he released it, on my hand there was a symbol.
It was the symbol on the book I read about these trials.
"It's proof you've lived through hell. Now, Lucille. I'm sure you want to get home, so are you ready for me to unlock your second origin?" He asked
"It's gonna hurt. Whatever you do, do not cry."
Do not cry.
Do not cry, Lucille.
You cannot cry, Lucille.
I strictly repeated to myself.
Suddenly, a searing pain rushed through my body. I felt as if I was being burned alive.
All of my veins that were once pale blue turned to dark blue, fitting the Celestial look.
The pain I felt in my body was unbearable, I just wanted to scream, or cry.
But I refused.
I, Lucille Hart, will never cry until the moment I have achieved my goal. Once I have, I will cry tears of joy. And I'll be free after that. But before then? No. I will not, I can not, and I shall not, cry.
The pain only worsened.
My legs ached, begging to fall.
My heart felt as if it were going to combust, and I was almost certain it would.
I clenched my fist, nails grinding into my palm.
"Everything will be fine, Lucille. Calm down."  Lucy assured me, a warm feeling filling my body.
My pain was combatted by the warmness.
I guess Lucy has been the one making me feel these things, she is much nicer than I had originally thought.
The trials were finally over.
The once excruciating pain slowly eased away, and my body was left only with some slight soreness.
I heard someone gasp, but it wasn't Lucy.
"How? Even I found that painful! Yet she hardly winced!" One of the silhouettes said. I suspected that this was the one who greeted me in the first trial.
"I know. Such conviction!" Another said. This one has to be the woman from the second trial, judging by her soft voice.
"Child, that was amazing. Well done." The third silhouette said. Lucy chuckled. I could feel her approval, but she didn't even say a word. I could breathe freely again. The air I breathed seemed so much lighter.

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