Last Minute Work!

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After Levy left last week, I've been doing some serious work. Before I went into the Nightmare Realm, I was taking self defense classes, as well as reading books constantly so I could get some filler spells while I worked to discover my own.

But that was a long time ago. Now I have my own magic learned well, and I don't need to read anymore magic books! But I do need some last minute physical work.

Today I'm visiting Magellan's Self Defense Dojo for more exercise. I changed into my work out clothes, and headed out the door.

I walked the streets until I found it, it was still the same place it was 7 years ago, when I first visited.

I opened the door slowly, a bell ringing as it opened, a woman was sitting at the front desk on a computer.

"Hello ma'am, I'm here for Magellan's two pm self defense class." I stated, politely.

"Ah! You're the first of the bunch to arrive. Go ahead down the hall." The woman said, giving me a smile.
"Thank you!" I replied, walking down the hall. I stepped into the exercise room, and spotted Magellan. He had aged, but not much.

"Hey!" He said, staring at me. "I remember you! Gee, you were one of my best students! Guess you finally returned?" He asked, a bright smile on his face.
.......He remembered me?
How? I only met him like a few times!

"Yeah, the Grand Magic Games are coming soon and my guild is depending me." I said with a smile.
"Well, let me teach you some tricks before all the other people arrive! We've got time!" He said, patting my back.

~~~~~After Class~~~~~

I walked home today, desiring the extra exercise.

Magellan filled me in a bunch of offense and defense techniques I'd never even heard of!
I feel a lot more sure of myself now. But I'm gonna keep going to his class for the rest of the month, that way I get more work in.

I took a sip of my water and curled up in bed, I need rest. I'm unbelievably tired.

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