The Tumor.

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My eyes opened hazily, I saw members of Fairy Tail and Blue Pegasus surrounding me..

My vision blurred, returning and disappearing. I looked over at my arms, bandaged. On my right arm, and Iv Drip was connected.

"Where..Am I?" I asked, attempting to sit up..
Everything seemed in slow motion.

I don't think I've ever been this low on magic.. Jura really gave me his all out there.

I looked up, observing the crowded room.
My eyes couldn't seem to focus on everyone's faces, but I still knew who was surrounding me..

Levy was in a chair across the room, asleep with a book in her hands.

Natsu, Gray, Hibiki, and Eve. Erza stood at the foot of my bed, and Jenny was sitting on the edge.

On the other side, Porlyusica, Wendy, and Ren.

Their faces brightened once they noticed I was fully awake.

"The infirmary." Porlyusica said, putting her hand on my head.

"What?" I asked, attempting to sit up. I don't wanna be in this room, I want to be back at the guild or at a resort.

Maybe even a bar.

I want to be celebrating my win today, not here..
I quickly looked over to the door, and pulled out my IV.

"Calm down, Lu." Jenny said, taking my hand.
She had this worried, pitiful look on her face. I felt a bit more inclined to stay..

I shook my head no, regaining my motivation.
I sat up straight, throwing the thin blanket off me. I looked at my legs, which were fully bandaged.

"I'm fine, really. I need to leave and enjoy the day.." I said, attempting to get out of the bed.

"Stay. Something is seriously wrong, child." Porlyusica told me, an empathetic look in her eyes.
Odd, she hates people..

I paused, despite needing to go.

"Wait, you said Luce, er, Lucille was gonna be fine?" Natsu said, raising an eyebrow. He looked upset..
He seemed so confused.
So angry.

Wait, did he call me..?

Nevermind that.

"Just tell me what's wrong?" I asked, shrugging.
She looked over at Jenny, then at Erza. Then finally, back at me.

She sighed deeply, a pained expression across her face.
"Tell her." Jenny assured, squeezing my hand.

She nodded, looking into my eyes.

"Lucille, something inside you is eating up your power. Like a parasite.." Porlyusica informed me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Wait, why did no one tell me that?" Natsu asked, looking even angrier.

"Because we knew you'd react like this. Come with me real quick, Natsu." Gray said, pulling Natsu out of the room.

Everyone else seemed informed on what happened.
I looked over at the sleeping Levy, focusing on her book.

"Forms of Magical Tumors and Leeches.."
Oh dear..
She passed out worrying about me.

Porlyusica called whatever is absorbing my power a parasite.
What does that mean?
Like, a bug or worm is inside me eating it all up? Do I have some sort of magic tapeworm?

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