Home at Last

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The last thing that I heard from the silhouettes was, "Go child. There is nothing left here. Find your happy place."
Then I woke up in my bed.
When I got up, everything was how I left it.
My books were still scattered, my lights were still off, and my mail was still on the coffee table in my living room.
However, my body was not the same.
I was still healthy, but I had every bruise and scratch I had gotten in the dream, including the large bruise on my face I received from falling twice.
My ankle hurt immensely.
My chest hurt too, but not as bad as it did in the dream.
I was wearing my same outfit, and my quiver, arrows, and bow were all still attached to me.
Even the emblem on my hand was still there.
The wound was gone though.
I was very hungry when I awoke, so I quickly stuffed my face with whatever non-perishable food item in my house until I no longer could.
I had to throw away a lot of food.
Then I finally got in the shower.
All the sweat, dirt, and blood melted from my body, making me feel more than simply great. When I got out of the shower, I looked at the mirror. I was covered in scars. The bruises and fresh wounds were gone, but my I had scars head to toe. My arms, neck, face, and stomach were mostly clear. My back and shoulders were the worst. The back of my legs had a lot too, but not nearly as bad. My feet were also covered. I felt sadness in my chest. Those trials would haunt me forever, even physically. I glanced at the emblem they had put on me. I brushed my teeth immediately after, trying to fix my ignored hygiene. My teeth were still in good condition. I had to occupy myself so I wouldn't relish in my horrid memories.
I put my outfit in the washer, and even put some bandages on my wounds, and put some medicine on them beforehand of course. I used a bit of scar cream as well, trying to see if could make them fade a bit. Some did, most didn't. I decided not to dwell on it. After all, I was still good looking. At least a little bit.
After I felt fresh and clean, I was ready to pursue my dreams. I put on a newcall blue outfit, with the exception of my brown belt and black boots. My fishnets I wore under my puffy skirt were black too. My dagger was still on my belt, shining brightly.
"Lookin' good!" Lucy said. It startled me, I assumed since she hadn't said anything she was like, asleep or something. I also kind of forgot about her.
"I don't sleep, Lucille. Anyway, are we gonna go to Blue Pegasus now, like you wanted?" She asked, almost rudely. I laughed nervously, and walked to the door. My house wasn't too much of a wreck, so I didn't mind leaving it that way
I placed my hand on the metal door knob, and turned it. I placed my other hand against the thick door, and pushed it open.
Once I stepped out the door, I realized that everything in Crocus had changed.
I walked down the stone roads, slowly growing farther and farther from my house.
Even though everything had changed, it was minor.
I could still work my away around town, despite the new, and missing buildings.
Then, against a brick storefront, I saw a strange poster.
It had symbols scattered upon it, guild insignias?
In large letters vertically down the left side of poster, it said, "Grand Magic Games."
I stepped closer and started reading.
I quickly read the page, seemingly faster than I had read something before.
So quickly, it kind of alarmed me.
I tried my best to disregard this.
In summary, the Grand Magic Games is a wizard guild competition.
My guild members..
They're dead.
Why do I care? I left them. I guess. I always had hope we'd spend more time together in the future. How idiotic of me? Why would I think something like that?
I got an immense pain in my chest, like my heart had shattered all over again! Why? Tears filled my eyes..
I promised I wouldn't cry! I started thinking of other things, like the things that made me happy.
The tears dried with out falling.
The pain didn't fade.
My heart felt sorrow, but again, I will not cry.
I then remembered my celestial spirits, who were still attached to my pouch.
I still had them! I completely forgot about them! Did my time in that place hurt them? It certainly hurt me when Lucy pretended to murder them all.
I moved my hand hesitantly to my pouch..
What if they don't want me to call them?
Despite my hesitation, and lack of advice from Lucy, I decided I must call one of them.

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