The Tenro Team

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~~Two Month Time Skip~~
The months of training flew by, and I definitely felt as if I had empowered myself, the Trimen, and even Ichiya.
I had a reoccurring nightmare throughout these months though.
One where I saw only my old guild members dying.
Horrific to watch them die every time you close your eyes. I've been avoiding sleep for days. Three to be exact. I've been drinking energy drinks at night to stay awake. I didn't understand why I kept having these nightmares, since they were all dead already.
I tried to not let it get me down too much.
That's not the only stress I'm under, though.
My father.. He's.. My father, he is also dying..
It's some sort of illness.
He refuses to visit a hospital, or to except any kind of healing. He told me it was his time.
It took many hours of pleading, but I finally accepted his wishes. I settled my debts with him.
I told him I wouldn't be able to be there when he passed, as it would likely scar me.
He understood me.
Besides that, I've only been having those nightmares.
I don't understand what's wrong with me..
My friends are dead, so why do I have to keep witnessing it?
I asked my dad that exact question.
His only response was question.
"Maybe they are not dead, and this is your subconscious telling you to find them. To save them." Those were his exact words.
I just.. I don't understand!
I've went so long living just fine!
I've been loving my new life with Blue Pegasus!
We've been training until this point, which makes it nearly four months of training! It's been seven damn years since I left Fairy Tail!
So why do I care? Isn't time supposed to heal all wounds?
It certainly hasn't healed mine!
I need to move on.
I'm joining the Grand Magic Games with the Trimen soon. Ichiya, Eve, Hibiki, and Ren, as well as me. That's our team for the games.
They are dependent on me!
I can't have my mind clouded with the past!
There's no way that I can live like this. But if they are alive.. No! I need to get my mind off this.. I started to get ready for the day. I changed out of my pajamas, into a blue dress that reached a few inches above my knees. It had cinching around the waist, and fluffed out a bit around my hips. I threw on my usual navy blue cloak over it, and a pair of black knee high socks. Then I put on my boots and belt. I clipped in a pair of star earrings. I always felt safer with my cloak on.. Back when I was Lucy Heartfilia, I'd have to wear one all the time if I didn't want to be harassed. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair, before I went back in my room. I sat at the edge of my bed, and thought about what I'd like to do today. That's when I heard loud footsteps coming up my stairs.
"Lucille!" Ren shouted, running through my bedroom door. I stood up, and jumped into the air, kicking him out of my bedroom and into a wall. "Who told you to come in here without knocking!? What if I was naked or something? Not cool!" I screamed, folding my arms. I was little more irritable then usual, especially since I hadn't slept in days. He had a large bump on his head from colliding into the wall. I made a pouty face, and he started to get up. "Sorry, but it's important!" He said, eagerly. "Spill it." I demanded, raising a brow. My face was still a bit flushed. I walked back into my room and sat on my bed. He simply frowned and sat by me on my bed. I guess he noticed how tired I was.
"Lucille, are you okay?" He asked, putting his hand on my back.
His hands were warm.. Or maybe I was just colder than usual.
"Of course, I'm just tired. I have been having some trouble sleeping." I said, smiling at him.
He raised his brows.
He clearly doubted me. I was telling the truth.
"Yeah, okay..So, I have good news!"
He said smiling once again, and putting his hands on my shoulders. "That is?" I questioned him, not having the slightest idea of what the news might be. That's when I began to suspect this news was about Fairy Tail. If so, maybe that's why they won't get off my mind?
He studied my face, and his smile seemed to grow warmer.
"You said a while ago that you were fond of the Fairy Tail guild, and we have news about them! As you already know, their core members disappeared years ago! Seven exactly! Well, we have proof that the island they disappeared on... Drum roll please... Still exists!" He grinned and stared at me expectantly.
This was so.. Odd. Just minutes ago I was thinking they were dead. But now? They could be alive..
It's just like my father said!
Is this a good thing, or a bad thing? I thought about what he said for a moment. They could bring back memories.. But..
My lips upturned instinctively.
I had to at least pretend to be happy for Ren's sake.
They're alive!
Of course it's a good thing, I said in my head, trying to convince myself. I straightened my posture, and stared at him with fake excitement.
"Really? How do we find them?" I asked, moving closer to Ren.
"Well! We've got the coordinates of the island, and we're sending Fairy Tail to find them. But!
We are going to send you with them! It's like a reward for you helping us so much!" He said, moving his hands away and smiling.
"A reward?" I said, raising an eyebrow. They just didn't want to deal with the Fairy Tail guild. Ren chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.
I couldn't help but giggle.
It wasn't exactly what I would call a reward.
"Yay! Thanks a million! Have you told them yet?" I asked. "Nope! We're about to board the Christina Advanced, and visit them to spread the news!" Ren said just as eager as when he first came in my room. He was practically never that excited! He practically never showed emotion.
"Then let's go!" I said, stepping off of my bed.
"Alright! I'll tell the others you're ready! Come down stairs once you've got everything you need!" He said.
He stood up and walked out of my room, shutting the door behind him.
My house had two stories.
Apparently the others were already waiting for me downstairs.
I could hear Ren walk down my creaking wooden stairs while I quickly grabbed my dagger and tucked it into my belt. I slid my key pouch back a bit, so it would be harder to see.
I stepped out of my bedroom, and shut my wooden door. I locked the door, and put the key in my cloak pocket. I always locked my bedroom door.
Immediately after, I rushed down the stairs, and walked into my living room.
When I did walk in, my suspicions were confirmed.
They were indeed all in my house.
Without my knowledge.
I had the urge to lecture all of them, like I did to my friends back in the day. Mostly Natsu.
Hibiki was slouched over on my couch, and Eve was standing nervously near the door.
I could tell that he really wasn't sure if he should have came inside, judging by his nervous posture.
Ichiya instantly ran to me, so I had no idea where he was before.
Ren was waiting near the door as well.
Ichiya inhaled near me, clearly trying to smell me.
"Lovely scent!" He said.
I just briskly walked away from him, despite the fact I totally wanted to punch him. Ichiya looked over at me with a pained expression, clearly feeling rejected.
I snickered quietly.
"I don't recall any of you asking to come in my house." I said, a strong wave of magic energy radiating off of me. They all seemed nervous, Hibiki lost a little bit of color in his face. "Whatever." I said, making another pouty face.
"Ready?" Hibiki asked, standing up. He approached me warily.
"Yep!" I replied, smiling. I suppressed my power again. I only released a small bit to scare them. Maybe that would teach them not to break into my house!
He and Ichiya walked toward us, and Eve opened the door for me.
I stepped out and thanked him, and waited for the others to come out.
Once we were all out, I locked the door behind us and started walking towards the Christina Advanced, which was conveniently parked right in front of my house.
I walked down my paved driveway, and right to the door of the Christina. I quickly pulled the door open and stepped inside. All of the others stood behind me.
I was the first inside, then Ren, followed by Eve, next Hibiki, and finally Ichiya, who drove the ship.
Once we were all boarded, I walked to the back of the ship, away from Hibiki, Ren, and Eve.
I stared over the edge of the Christina as we took flight.
The ground slowly got farther and farther away.
Everything seemed so small at this height.
The air was much colder the higher we flew.
This wasn't my first time on the Christina, but it wasn't something we used frequently.
I could feel someone walking behind me.
"Hi Lucille!" A soft, childish, voice greeted.
I quickly confirmed that the person was Eve.
Eve and I are close, but not the best of buds.
He's like a little brother to me.
"Hey Eve!" I greeted, turning to him.
I smiled cheerfully.
"Lucille, he's going to ask about your feelings. The others sent him to check on you." Lucy informed me.
She doesn't talk to me as much I would want, but maybe that's for the best.
"Are you alright? You've been acting a little weird, Lucille." He asked me, tilting his head.
"Of course! I'm just fine, very tired." I replied.
Eve was naive, I could tell by his expression that he believed me.
His eyes lit up, relieved that I was indeed fine.
"Well, okay. I'll leave you alone then." He said. He smiled at me, then gave me a quick hug.
Right after, he swiftly walked back to the other side of the ship. He wasn't nearly as much of a flirt anymore. None of them were. I guess it was because they saw me as a superior now, therefore off limits.
I was kind of aggravated that they sent Eve, instead of just asking me. I don't know.
That just seems, so.. Insincere.
"Don't be upset. They just care about you." Lucy said to me.
"Hey Lucy, how do you feel about..Well. How do you feel about all of this?" I asked her, aloud. I said it quietly.
For some reason, I could never just ask questions in my head. She'd hear them either way.
"Lucille, quiet. If they hear you, they might think you're crazy. Which wouldn't be entirely incorrect.
I feel.. Fine.
Our friends... They're alive.
But I'm also very very angry. I had a vision, Lucille." She informed me.
Her voice slowly grew more annoyed.
Why is she angry? Sometimes I forgot she was a demon. Wasn't she always supposed to be angry?
Before I could vocalize a question, she spoke up again.
"Natsu. He thinks we are a traitor. He is dating Lisanna, and is using her as a way to convince himself we are evil. Lisanna.. She hates you.
Some of the others also think we are traitors.
I can't wait to school them in the Grand Magic Games. You need to punish them for this, Lucille.
You may have abandoned them, but that does not mean you are a traitor.
You will need to destroy them this year.
Throw Fairy Tail into the dirt, where they rightfully belong." Lucille said.
Lisanna? Natsu and Lisanna?
My heart, already broken so many times shattered once again. I knew they were dating before the trial, but I was surprised it lasted this long..
As much as I hated to admit it, I had a crush on Natsu. Of course, it's dissolved.
But, I still feel betrayed. But I can't punish them!
It's only him!
I shouldn't hurt all of them for nothing!
"Lucille! Punish them all! Where were they when you were in so much pain? They continued on without you, showing no regard! They don't care! They never did! Don't hurt the children, Romeo and Wendy are young, they know nothing more! The adults.. Natsu, Lisanna, Evergreen, Gajeel, Laxus. That's the team for the grand magic games. There's a second team too. Erza, Mira, Cana, Gray, and Wendy. The second team should be spared. But not the first team. Elfman is excluded.
Each of them have committed great sins, Lucille. It's time to punish them. Macao and Wakaba also consider you a traitor. They hate you!
Lucille, you're a goddess. You have yet to realize. You may not be an actual angel, but you are a powerful being.
Did you know that they are trying to find you, so they can add you to the wizard saints?
It's your job to take care of them.
Protect, punish, heal.
That's the plan.
You've protected them long enough.
Now it's time for the punishment."

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