Training, Magic edition!

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As much as I hate to say it, the Trimen were a lot stronger than what I had thought.

That doesn't mean I didn't help them grow during our month of physical training.

They all needed to build up more physical strength, in times when magic is low, we depend on our strength. That's something I learned a long time ago.

So I helped them with that.
Even if it was against their will.
After all, who would want to train until midnight?
Apparently not them.

They were strong before, that of which I am certain, but they have grew an unbelievable amount since then. Hibiki and Eve especially.

Jenny even tagged a long for a few days for training!  She didn't really like it, but I guess she wanted to try.
I found it odd that, out of all of them, Jenny was the most agile.
Despite being in heels..
Even if they're still suffering sore muscles, I'm sure it will be worth the pain! Even Ichiya learned a few things.

As physical training month came to a bittersweet end, the month of magic comes next.
I hope that they can use the training I gave them in the future.
When I look back on my days at Fairy Tail, it probably would've done me a lot of good to do some physical training.

Today we are grouping for magic, though they wanted a break.
I kind of feel bad for it, but..
I didn't give them their break..
I couldn't. In a real fight, there are no breaks. It's relentless. My head flashed back to the whippings I received in the third trial...


They were supposed to be ready an hour ago, so I'll have to fetch them.

Besides that, this is a category all of them but Ichiya need to work on, so that's what were doing.
Ichiya will have to train with us every now and then, though. As will Jenny.

Hibiki doesn't have an overwhelming amount of raw magical strength, so we're going to have to change that!

I'm going to take them for a walk into the woods so they can get magic power into their bodies much easier, than by the guild, since it won't be consumed by as many mages. There's a surplus of magic energy out there.

I was outside the guild, and I could hear
people laughing and speaking.
I pressed my hand against the large wooden guild door, opening it.
I stepped into our guild, acting annoyed.
The entire guild went quiet, focusing on me.
Everyone looked at me as if I were the guild master, though, I am not.
Master Bob practically made me his assistant, though.
I pretended to be much angrier than I was, simply to intimidate them.

"You should be actually infuriated, as they wasted your precious time. However, I guess pretending is enough." Lucy said.

I nodded carefully, and clenched my fist.
I stomped a few steps ahead of me.
"Do you idiots not realize you were supposed to be ready an hour ago?" I said impatiently, glaring at them.
I was acting a LOT like Erza used to.
I tapped my foot on the ground impatiently, my wings outstretched. My veins weren't glowing, so it was clear I wasn't too upset.
I saw other members of my guild turn their attention to the Trimen and Ichiya.
They were all sitting at the bar, chatting.
Once I had drawn their attention, instead of relaxed expressions, their faces contorted to show how uncomfortable they were. "SORRY!" They shouted in unison.

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