Accusations from the Lost

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Bisca gave me a solemn smile as I finished speaking, and looked down.

Suddenly, we heard coughing.

"Over there!" Bisca shouted, pointing her arm to a pink haired boy laying on the ground. I darted over to him, with Bisca beside me. I knew it was Natsu. I felt aggravated that I found his pathetic ass instead of Levy. Levy was still in my best wishes.
Regardless, I knew I had to help him anyway.
I attempted to dust him off, and pulled him up from the rubble. "Who are you? Where am I?" Natsu asked. "This is The Celestial Angel, or Lucille. She's a famous mage who found you guys and saved our guild. It's me, Bisca! You're on Tenro!" Bisca said to him, rubbing dirt off of his face. "Lucille?" He repeated.

"Yeah, but not the one you think. It's a different girl." Bisca said sadly. He stood up, and started to register what we were saying. While Bisca was refreshing Natsu on everything, the rest of our split up team had found the other lost members.
We regrouped, and boarded my cloud again. As we were, I noticed the extra attention I was getting from Erza. She was almost glaring at me. I felt irritated by this.

"Stupid girl." Lucy said randomly.

She scared me again, since I didn't even know she was back. I didn't even feel her come back. "Erza is suspicious of you. She's about to ask you how you acquired those keys. Tell her you bought them, or something." Lucy added.
I rolled my eyes and climbed onto my cloud. I made it start to levitate. Then she asked, and snatched my pouch of keys off my hip. Everyone looked at her, then at me with fear and shock. "Pardon?" I asked, rudely. I raised my eyebrows. "Erza! Give those back!" Romeo said. I tousled his hair, and he settled down. "Where did you get these?!" Erza asks me accusingly. "One of my friends gave them to me randomly a while back. I haven't spoken to her in person in maybe three years. Why do you ask?" I questioned her, blatantly lying.
"Too much detail. She doesn't even deserve that long of a lie." Lucy said to me.
"No! She would never just give up her keys!" Erza says to me, with anger evident in her voice. I continued driving to their guild. Now the entire Tenro team, Wakaba and Macao were glaring daggers at me. Strange how fast people change their opinion of you. Makarov didn't speak, he just looked away with guilt. Before I could reply, Warren spoke up. "Erza, that's enough." He said, trying to defend me. "This woman saved our guild, why are you concerned about some keys?" He continued. Natsu and gray were suspicious of me  too. She glared daggers at him, and he backed down. "Tell the truth. Where did you get these?" She shouted. My blood is practically boiling now. I stop my cloud and turn on my heel. Before this, I didn't have very much of a problem with her. Erza gets visibly intimidated when I meet her gaze. "I told you already. I was gifted them by my friend Lucy. She didn't want them falling into just anyone's hands when she joined the Nightmare Realm. She came to me because she knew I had been there. She never came back for them." I said, venom dripping from my words.
"Hey, that's almost a truth." Lucy told me, jokingly.
"Nightmare realm?!" Wendy asked, her voice quaking.
Everyone was staring at me with shock now. I was beginning to panic, I couldn't believe my team had left me alone with these guys.
Part of me wanted to fight them all, and then part of me wanted to run away. But I knew I couldn't do either.
"Yeah. It's a horrible place, really. Lucy went there to work and hide from her life. I had went there before she did, so she came to me to watch over her keys. She had told me she didn't want them getting damaged while she was there. I told her I'd take care of them, and I did. We knew of eachother since we both use Celestial magic, and since we both have similar names. I would almost say we were friends. That day she came over to give me those, she was sad. She said I was the only person she knew to have made it out of there. That's why I have them." I explained, as I made the cloud go on autopilot. I sat down with the group, and ran my fingers through my own hair. Now I had them convinced. Makarov was listening to me intently.
"Why were you there?" Natsu asked me in a soft, yet aggressive, tone. "To get power. I've got the symbol on me." I said to him. My insignia was on my stomach and hip bone. "What the hell is Lucy doing there then?" Gray asked me, accusingly.
"How the hell should I know? She just told me to take her keys. She was part of the team who basically destroy people who go there for power. Only those who are worthy get magic power. I made it through, but that was before Lucy was there. It was terrifying." I said sadly, hugging my knees to my chest. Bisca laid a hand on my back, and I flinched. I don't know why, I guess I just didn't expect it. Everyone was silent as the cloud drove itself back to their guild. Once we got there, we saw their guild was in shambles as Twilight Ogre attacked.
I stood up and stared down.
"I'll handle this." They all shouted things at me, but I paid no attention. I leap from my cloud and dove towards the ground. I was only about ten feet from the ground. My wings picked me up. "Oh strings of stars and light, capture my enemies and bind them tight." I said, staring at the guys from Twilight Ogre blankly. "What the hell?!" One of them screamed. My eyes started to glow, along with my veins. I took my open palm and clenched it tight. The men screamed and I smiled. Golden strings formed from my fingers, connecting to all their chests and wrapping around them tightly. The threads were tightly tied around my fingers, and connected to each of their hearts. It was harder to move my arm but not impossible, I moved my hand up and threw them in the air. I moved my hand down and slammed them in the pavement. Natsu leaped from my cloud and stood at my side, joined by Erza.
"Let's teach them a lesson." Natsu said, cracking his knuckles. With my magic preventing them from moving, Natsu lit them aflame. Erza sent dozens of blade impacting with them. "Now go tell your master that we have no room for goons like you around here, okay?" I said, before I threw my arm to the side. The men went flying as I severed the strings.
I smiled, I forgot how much I loved Fairy Tail's teamwork. The hurt guild members ran out the rubble of the guild, and my cloud reached the ground. I tried to get those happy thoughts away. I couldn't forgive them yet! They don't deserve it! They left me to wallow in my depression and never bothered to check on me. Protect, punish, heal. I repeated to myself. We can be friends after I punish them, but not before.
"I suppose you all have lots of renovation to do. I'll leave you all to it. I'm going back to my guild, I hope to see you guys at the Grand Magic Games in a few months." I said with a smile, walking away. I decided I didn't care enough to hide my abilities, and used my temporary teleportation ability to go home. When I arrived home, I saw my arrow quiver laying beside my couch. I felt a little guilty about not using it often. Suddenly, Lucy spoke again.
"How're you holding up soldier? That was an odd situation. You should have slaughtered them all when they started to doubt you." Lucy said in a rude tone.
"Lucy, you know I can't just do that. I still love them. But I hate them too. What am I supposed to do?" I said, my voice hoarse and trembling.
"Lucille, I know you want to tell them. It's obvious. You have to wait for the right moment." Lucy said. I crawled into bed and covered my face. "Yeah.. I suppose that makes sense.. I just. I promised myself I'd never cry again, and it's getting harder and harder the more I see them." I said to her.
Once I became who wanted to be, I could express my emotions all I wanted. But, who do I want to be? Lucy began to speak again.
"I know, I know. Instead of bothering with them, let's pay the wizard saints a visit tomorrow, eh?" Lucy said, clearly trying to cheer me up.
"I suppose. Let's claim the title that belongs to us." I said, much calmer now. She has an influence on my emotions, since she's in my head.
"Hell yeah!" Lucy said excitedly. I know she's the embodiment of my rage and depression, but she is definitely therapeutic to have around. I closed my eyes and started to slip into slumber. It wasn't very late, but I didn't care. I just needed to rest after today.

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