Blue Pegasus

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The glitter flew towards us, and she sucked it in like a dragon slayer!

Shock rippled through me. What? We can breath in our own angel magic?
I noticed our body didn't get any energy from it, so I assumed she did it just to show she could absorb Angel magic into our body.

She flew even higher into the air, and generated a ton of blue clouds.
The clouds didn't even fully exist for a minute, before then they were more like fog. However, when they did generate they hid her well. She sent them flying downward.

She was radiating magic power like no one else around. It was almost scary. This was my body, but I wasn't in control...

It was like I watching the spectacle outside of my own eyes.

A cloud caught her, but she snapped her fingers and made herself fall through it.
She then nosedived in the air, slowly getting closer and closer to the ground.

At the very last minute, Lucy blasted a bright yellow star of concentrated magic at the ground, pushing her upward a small bit.

Wait, would I call her, her? But it's my body, even though she's in it.. Geez, this is

She outstretched our angelic wings and she slowly fell to the ground, landing on our feet. She focused on a nearby tree.
"One last thing.."
She wasn't done yet...? I'm gonna seem like such a show off..

"Helios!" She screamed, her, or our, hands in a position that was reminiscent of a butterfly.

A large yellow ball of gas formed between her hands, it resembled the sun! She sent it blazing forward scorching the grass below it. It took down five trees at once, leaving absolutely nothing left of any of them.

Master bob watched with interest, his hands clasped together.

When she was finished, she hadn't even broke a sweat. She smiled, and picked our cloak up off the ground. She tucked it in our arrow quiver. Our arrow quiver also functioned as a storage area.
"Amazing!" Eve said, clapping.

"Thank you, thank you." Lucy said, bowing jokingly.

"Well done, Lucille." Hibiki said to her.
She chuckled sweetly.

"Not my best. That's just a show. It doesn't demonstrate my power very well. Though, I can confirm that I have a reason to be cocky." Lucy replied honestly, putting her hands on her hips.

"You know, we could really use someone like you to help us win the Grand Magic Games." Hibiki said, looking towards Master Bob.

Ren nodded, a small smirk on his lips.

That was the most I'd saw him do all day, he is always so quiet. Stoic, I would say.

"Yes, we could! Welcome to the guild, Dearie!" Master Bob said.

Suddenly, I regained control of my body.
"You're welcome." Said Lucy slyly.

I felt myself shifting back into my body, air filling my chest and lungs, I moved my fingers to confirm I was back, I took in some air and turned back to Blue Pegasus.

"So, what's this I hear about the Grand Magic Games?" I asked them, cocking my head to the left a bit.
Ren stepped in front of me, his eyes shining.

"We've came in third place every year.
Sabertooth, Lamia Scale, and then us.
We need a powerhouse, and you seem perfect for that position. " Ren said, as idle as ever.
I nodded.
"Sabertooth?" I asked. I hadn't learned much about them. I considered joining back when I first left Fairy Tail.
"Ah yeah. They're a new guild, so I guess I can understand why you don't know them. Sabertooth is a super strong guild, but they have five members who shine above the rest. Minerva, the daughter of the guild master, is the most powerful. She has some seriously weird magic. Then you have Rufus and Orga. Orga has Lightning God Slayer magic, and Rufus has something called Memory Make. Memory Make is a magic form like Ice Make or Wood Make. Then, there are the twin dragons. Sting, the white dragon slayer, and Rogue, the shadow dragon slayer. Those two are best friends are something. They also have two exceeds, Frosch and Lester." Ren explained.

"Dragon slayers? A serious recipe for trouble." I paused and debated with myself for a moment. I tapped my chin in thought. Maybe I shouldn't bring them up..

"Do you know a guild called Fairy Tail?" I asked Ren, reluctantly.

"Mhm, dragon slayers are always strong. And yeah, I know Fairy Tail, we battled together once. Four of their members, four of us, and some guys from Lamia Scale. Oh, and this little girl too. If I remember correctly, the Fairy Tail members we worked with, were Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster, Lucy Heartfilia, and Natsu Dragneel. It was a mess. Now though, the guild is practically nothing, to be honest. Their core members disappeared seven years ago.
Before they disappeared, Lucy Heartfilia left.
So when the core members left, there was really no hope.
Of course, Our guild and Lamia Scale tried to assist in the searching, but neither of us could find anything. Anyway, when they disappeared they left only some old dudes and a kid, a few others that don't stand out very much. Of course, there were others at first, but most of them left." Ren told me, sadly.

Master Bob put his head down solemnly. For some reason, I didn't feel sad. I didn't know why, I thought I should feel something.

"Ah. Natsu was always troublesome. I assume it's a trait among all dragon slayers." I said, coldly.
I assumed the child he spoke of was Romeo, since Wendy went on the Tenro Trials.
Eve seemed confused for a moment, but swiftly went back to smiling.

"Maybe." Ren said, with a small smile.

I sighed. "Well, regardless, you've received your powerhouse. When are the Grand Magic Games? I have to know how tough I need to be on you three in training." They paused for a moment in shock, before they all smiled.

"We have as long as you need, Master." They said in unison.
I giggled, they hadn't changed as much as I thought.

"Well, I think we should start in a month or so. I give you a month of relaxation, then we're going to work so hard you double in size." I said with a smile.
They all smiled, including Master Bob.

"It's official then! Welcome to Blue Pegasus darling!" He said cheerfully. They all hugged me. I couldn't believe they all had faith in me just like that.

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