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I finally woke up much later.
I realized much more than my face and back hurt hurt.

My chest hurt so horribly, I felt as if I might have broken a rib or maybe my collarbone. But, I knew there would be no time for complaining.

I decided I would start searching for a way out of this trial.

The grass was dark green a moment ago..It was now a dark gray. Did anything have color?

Where did it go? It was entirely monochrome.
This place.. it's..
I don't even know how to describe it.

There's no noise, no color.
It's like static..

I can only feel pain in body.
I can't hear anything other noises I make myself.
No birds, no trees rustling.

Nothing, only my own cries of pain and footsteps.
I attempted to stand, and my body ached.
I whimpered, but I tried my best to ignore the pain.
I had a nauseous feeling in my stomach.
I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't.
Everything hurt, even my feet.
My skin hurt to touch, I felt like a million needles pricked me when I touched my own arms.
I felt so cold.
I leaned against a stone wall, and took a few minutes to gather my breath. It took me a moment to realize this wasn't where I had been before I passed out, but I couldn't be bothered enough to care. I had my arms wrapped around my stomach, and felt like I was dying. I coughed harshly, my chest and throat aching as I did. I was coughing so hard I gagged myself. Suddenly, I vomited.

Purple fluid poured from my throat and burned as it made its way out of my body. When it landed on the ground, it sizzled and burned up the gray grass. Once I managed to stop throwing up, I finally started to gather myself.

My body ached from the impact of me hitting the ground with such incredible force. The sudden pain winded me, so I took a moment to catch my breath.

I don't know why all this pain was just now hitting me.
I sputtered for a moment, and a could've swore I coughed up some blood from the taste of metal in my mouth.

"God.. this horrible.." I muttered to my
I used every bit of my willpower, and finally stopped leaning, and stood on my own.
While using my scraped and cut hands to wipe all of the dirt from knees, I realized I had ripped the knee of my fishnets.
That didn't matter though, what matters is that I didn't tear any major body parts off.
The strange figures hadn't reappeared, so I guess that's a good thing.
I hesitantly continued slowly limping forward, until I noticed a large gray sign.
I struggled to breath, but read it aloud regardless.
As I finished reading, I heard that loud warbling sound again.

The glass figures had returned. I slowly looked up from the sign. They were surrounding me. A noise similar to metal scraping rung in my ears, and all the creatures suddenly had large crooked smiles across their faces.
Terror arose in my chest and I released an ear splitting scream. Some of them attacked each other, but many rushed at me.

I softly began sobbing. The creatures drew closer as the warbling sound continued.

Calm down Lucille! You can't lose just yet! I let in a shaky breath and closed my tear filled eyes..
In my head, remembered something I had locked far away..

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