The Breaking Point

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"Levy.. What do you mean?" I asked, confused.
She glanced off the side for a moment, before beginning to speak.

I quickly finished the last few bites of my soup and sat the empty bowl on the coffee table.

"Well, some group of dark guild ruffians went and destroyed the arena.. They said it'll take another week or so to fix all the damage." She told me, rubbing her neck nervously. She took the last few bites of her soup and placed her bowl near mine.
"I guess that means my revenge plan is on hold for now.. I need to take a job soon then. I need something to occupy myself." I said, still in disbelief over the news.

"Well.. that's another thing.. You know how we formed a team with other guilds to defeat Oracion Seis all those years ago? Well.. Master Makarov wants to form another one. But this time, to destroy a powerful guild that has possession of a caged demon. The guild is called Hell's Mages. They're obviously a dark guild, and they're looking to free that demon on the people of Fiore." Levy said, expressing her seemingly limitless knowledge.
"No way.. Tell me more about them if you can." I said, slightly puzzled.

"Well, they're an independent dark guild. They were known for capturing freelance wizards and keeping them as slaves in their guild.. They're well known for that, actually. Or they were. Nowadays, they're known for being in possession of a demon. Makarov is going to announce his plans after the Grand Magic Games!" Levy told me.
Her expression was firm, her eyes had a twinkle in them unlike I had ever seen.
"Yes, of course." I agreed, patting her shoulder.
I stood up and grabbed both our bowls. She followed behind me as I walked into the kitchen to wash them. "So, do you have any ideas for your revenge?" Levy asked, curiously. She leaned against my kitchen counters as I cleaned up a bit.
"No, I'm not entirely sure. I want to show them! Show them I'm strong! I think I'll expose who I am in the arena." I looked into Levy's eyes as I spoke to to her. I was doubting my plan...
"You seem hesitant.. Don't feel bad, you deserve to get your revenge."
Levy said, rubbing my shoulder.
"Levy. That's so sweet." I said, flapping my wings a bit.
My wings were so pure and angelic. I couldn't help but resent the charred feathers on my wings. Natsu had left much remaining damage to my wings.. Would this ever go away?
Levy instantly noticed when I fluttered them. "Look what that the flame-for-brains did to your wings! They're all burnt up!" Levy said, stroking them softly.
I felt a bit embarrassed by the burned feathers. Especially now that my sidekick Levy saw it. "Y-Yeah. I know, Levy. But.. He.. Was looking for me today." I said, as my smile began to break.

I felt my chin quiver.. Then..

After all these years, tears of sadness slid down my cheeks. I promised I would never cry again, but I suppose that's unreasonable. Levy wrapped her arms around me in silence.
"L-Levy! I was in love with him! And he broke my heart! He hated me! And suddenly he's searching for me? I don't know what to do anymore Levy!"
I shouted, my whole body shaking.
Levy held me tight, and I couldn't help but sob.
I threw down the towel I was using and ran my fingers through my hair.
"Lucy, how are you going to heal if you haven't treated the wound yet? You've found the wound. You just have to take care of it. Time doesn't heal all wounds. It's been seven years and yours is still festering!" Levy said, trying to inspire me.
I wiped away my tears as best I could, and sniffles a bit.
"You're right. You're completely right. But, it's not that simple." I said quietly, trying to stop crying. "We're going to get your revenge. And we're getting it the moment you're ready. I want you to get better. I'm your best friend, I want the best for you!"
Levy said, patting my back.
"I know Levy.. I... I'm just not sure when I'll be ready to blow my cover." I told her, finally straightening myself out. "Then we're going to wait until you are." Levy said with unbridled optimism. I gave her a tight hug.
After our warm moment, I finished my housework for the day. Levy assisted in every way she could, and as we cleaned and organized I told her stories of all the jobs I'd been on. We laughed and smiled, until we headed back to my guild. Once we got there, Makarov rounded everyone up and they went back to their guild.
Levy and I agreed to hang out more, and I couldn't help but feel a warmth in my chest. I was smiling for the rest of the day.

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