Finding the Lost

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Romeo trailed behind me hesitantly, he felt the cloud's surface before I sat on it.

Once he seemed to feel reassured, he pulled his body onto the fluffy terrain.

He moved near me, and sat. This was the same spell Lucy used when demonstrating my powers to Master Bob. After him, Laki leaped onto the cloud.
The second her body touched the exterior, small pieces of the fluttering mass of the cloud floated away beautifully.
She laid on it as if it were a bed.
Then, Wakaba stepped on, and sat down, a few feet away from me and Romeo.
"C'mon old timer! It's perfectly safe!" Wakaba shouted, patting the spot next to him.
Macao seemed really nervous about it, but he glanced at his son, Romeo, and seemed reassured.

"Ah, what the hell!" He said, smiling.
He hopped on the cloud, and sat right beside Wakaba.
Warren gingerly sat beside Laki, to the right of her.
A few moments after that, Bisca got on.
Alzac decided he and Droy would stay behind and watch over the place.
Max and Jet chose to stay as well.
Droy didn't really want to stay, but he didn't audibly complain.
"Alright. Everyone ready?" I asked, looking at each of them. They all nodded, or said yes.
I stood up, and outstretched my arms in front of me.
I moved my arms upward, and the cloud slowly started to elevate, leaving the ground.
I turned to face those who were on the ground, and saw Droy looking a little more than displeased.
Max waved goodbye, and I nodded.
"Good luck!" Alzac shouted.
I faked a smile, and turned my attention back to the area in front of me.
The others shouted things to those who chose to stay, such as "Be back soon!" As well as "We're going to find 'em!"
I swallowed hard.
This spell is so draining...
It's basically a magic mobile, it sucks out my energy to move.

As everyone chatted amongst themselves in excitement, I raised my arms up higher, and so our cloud took us higher into the chill air.
At this point, we were above the guild.
"You guys wanna joyride, or get there fast?" I asked them, trying to stay upbeat
I turned my head to look at them.
They glanced at each other.
"Joyride! This the only time we'll be able to do this!" Romeo said.
Laki and Warren had smiles form, as the corners of their lips became upturned.
"Yeah!" Warren complied cheerily.
"Though this is urgent, why not have a little fun?!" Laki stated, she apparently also agreed.
Wakaba and Macao shared uneasy glances, but didn't audibly protest.
Once again I turned my head, and shouted, "Joyride it is then," excitedly.

I waved my hand to left, and our cloud took a sharp turn to the left.
I heard Laki giggle, and I also heard Wakaba groan.
Warren let out something along the lines of an animalistic scream.
The wintry wind blew on our faces, but that only made it better.
Romeo was laughing, which seemed to make Macao happy. When I glanced behind me, Wakaba seemed incredibly uncomfortable.
Warren gripped the cloud nervously, as if he was truly concerned for his wellbeing.
"Hold on tight!" I said.
I pushed out my arms, as if I were shoving someone away.
The cloud launched forward, and the others screamed, some with terror, others with glee.
I waved my arm in a circle, and it sent us in a loop, upside down.
The others shrieked yet again, this one mostly out of pure horror.
I then waved my arm forward quickly,
and we launched away.
Now we were near Hargeon Port, which was exactly where we needed to be.
The people of Hargeon stared above at us with immense curiosity.
I ignored them, and I continued onward with my arms forward.
"Okay guys, that's the end of the tricks, you can relax now."
I said to my passengers, glancing behind me.
They were all shaken up, but they had huge grins plastered in their faces.
I giggled.
We continued slowly above the water, and that's when I saw the island.
There it was, in all of its glory.
It took a few minutes for the others to notice.
"There it is!" Bisca shouted, standing.
She nearly fell, but Macao followed in her footsteps.
"Lucille! Hurry!" Macao shouted.
"As you wish!" I agreed, though I didn't appreciate being bossed around by the guy who critiqued me so much in the past.
Laki rose to her feet as well, but she clung to my waving  cloak, which was only buttoned around my neck. I moved my arm behind me slowly, and we moved back a bit.
Then, with all of my force, I threw my arm in front of me.
Our cloud soared through the winds at unimaginable speeds.
I heard the others screaming and shouting, but I held my arm forward.
We steadily approached the island.
The air blew in my face, making my skin feel frigid.
But I continued forward.
When I returned my attention to island, I realized we could crash into it if I continued at this speed.
I instantly threw down my arms.
I then lifted them up again, and slowly pulled them down.
We were then a bit above the ground, so I decided we could jump.
"We're here.." I said.
Somehow, I felt sympathy for them.
Romeo was the first one to hop off the cloud and view the island. "Another minute on that thing and I was gonna be sick!" He said cheerfully.
Laki giggled and leaped off with him standing beside her Warren followed them, jumping off and standing idle. He stood next to Laki, they were side to side.
Next I jumped off, and stood at Romeo's other side.
"C'mon! You guys are way too slow." I said, walking a few steps ahead.
My hand rested on my hip while I waited for the last few to leave my cloud. I could've easily dispersed it, and made them all fall to the ground. However, I'm not that cruel. Not yet, at least.
Next, Wakaba and Macao jumped off together.
We all grouped together, I stood in front of everyone else.
Then, as we started to walk away from our cloud, I sensed something...
Something strange..
Almost as if something had been watching me.
Lucy suddenly greeted me.

'Yeah?' I asked her internally. I've began to get better at talking to her in my head.

I thought this was strange, to say the least. That she would randomly speak. She normally talks when I need help or something.

"The presence..It's the distant spirit of the first master of Fairy Tail.. Master Mavis.. She saved this island from Acnologia..She released the spell today.. But that's not what we're concerned of. She may be able to sense that you were a previous member of Fairy Tail.. As a fellow spirit, I could potentially try to scare her off. "
She said, the hollowness in her voice leaving an eerie echo ringing within my mind.
Our group started to walk around the forested island, exploring and looking for the bodies.
"But what if I need you? What if she knows about us?"
I thought, directing it at her.
This could go horribly in a number of ways.

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