The Celestial Charm!

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Inside the large crate, there were many items.
There was a bow, about a dozen arrows, and a dagger.

The bow was made of silver, and had two beautiful stars made of blue stone with golden flecks within them. I was absolutely amazed.

It had a quiver in the box as well, which was made of pure silver, and decorative strips of blue on it.
It also had arrows, which again, were made of silver. The arrowheads were made of the same beautiful gems on the bow.

The beautiful gemstones reminded me of the dark night sky.

The dagger had a blue handle, which was slick and was speckled in gold glitter. The blade was made of a shining silver to match the rest of my weaponry. When I looked closer at the bow, I realized there were also gold carvings across the surface of the bow.
I put the quiver on my back with its cloth strap, and put every arrow in it.  It felt a little heavy, but I could deal with it. My back was stiff as a board, but There was no way I could just haul them in my arms.

My shoulder was definitely going to be sore later.
As if it isn't already..

I held my bow at my side, and clipped my dagger onto my leather belt. It was next to my celestial keys. I looked around the station a little more.
Shouldn't I see a silhouette person here to congratulate me? I found the silver..

I saw a pile of rope in the distance, and thought that since I had absolutely nothing better to do, I decided to take the rope.

I grabbed the small pile, put it in my quiver, where it barely managed to fit. I started to search more, but I couldn't find anything worth keeping.

Suddenly, a train began to go through the station. The horn roared loudly, making my ears hurt. It didn't stop for me to get on, but something told me I needed to get on that train..

I've never been great at spontaneity.

In a brief moment, I grabbed the thick rope and attached it to my arrows, and tied the rope to my waist.
"Here goes nothing!" I shouted, slightly worried.
I loaded the bow, and fired the arrow. Instantaneously, the arrow pierced through the roof of the rickety train!

Once my arrow had struck the train, I began to be dragged across the station at amazing speeds. I tightly held my grip on the rope, and it burned my hands up a bit with friction.

Then, I remembered what the Spider had told me about the train earlier, and I internally applauded myself for acting fast.

I was surprised at my aim, and that the arrow was staying attached to the metal train. I'd never attempted archery before!

I guess it's just meant to be!
This sudden joy, this adrenaline.. It made me forget the agony my body was in..

We were quickly approaching the exit to the station, and I closed my eyes in fear. I was afraid I would collide into a wall, since I was only being dragged a few inches above the ground. The train soared forward, and I saw daylight hit my eyelids. I opened them quickly, and I realized I had made it out of the station.
As if I was light as a feather, the train yanked me from the station, and I was flown into the air. The only thing keeping me from being tossed from the train was this arrow! My cloak was stretching, and functioning as it were some form of weak parachute.
My poor wings could barely manage to keep up with the speed of the train. I was thrown about, in every direction. I started laughing, as well as crying.
I could die, but hey! This was plenty of fun. I was only crying because of the air in my face.

"Woohoo!" I shouted, cheerfully.

As if on command, the train started going even faster. Crows and bats flew past my face as I was swung through the cold air with great vigor.
In the far distance, I saw my horde of spider friends looking in my direction. I merely waved at them.
After a while of fun, I realized it was time I got back to business.
I wrapped my hands around the rope, and used all my might to pull myself back to the roof of the train.
I tucked in my indigo cloak, so I wouldn't fly away again, and pulled my arrow from the train.
Much to my surprise, the arrow head had no visible damage.
I cut the rope from the  arrow, and threw it back into my large quiver. I crawled forward, using all my strength to continue down the train.
I had an idea!
I could hijack the train, and search it so I can find whatever I'm supposed to and then I can leave this damn place.
I continued crawling along the train, exerting a large amount of force. I did lose my grip once or twice but my wings prevented me from being thrown too far from the train.
My fingers were beginning to get sore, as were my legs. My fingers were holding me onto the train, because at this point I was laying on my stomach, pulling myself along the cold metal train.
From all of the fun, I nearly forgot the crippling pain in my back, chest, legs, and stomach.
When I looked ahead, I saw that I was close to the drivers compartment.
I felt a surge of relief.
I quickly pulled myself over to a window on the drivers compartment.
I threw my lower half over the side of the train, my wings fluttering as fast they could.
My fingers began to turn white as I clung to the side of the train. I could barely hang on, but I had no other choice! I moved closer to the window, and with one swift kick I shattered it.
I hesitantly threw my body into the train, cutting open the bottom my already bruised thigh while I was at it. I looked over to the drivers seat, where no one sat. I guess that was supposed to shock me.
Nothing could shock me at this point, or so I thought. I ran over to the Emergency brakes, and put all my force into a single pull..
The train let out a head splitting shriek as it's wheels scraped against the rusted tracks.
After a few minutes, the train came to a stop. I quickly left the drivers compartment, and began looking for something that would free me. I searched through each and every cab, until I finally reached the caboose. I scurried and snooped throughout the small area, until I found a small hidden box. I would almost compare this box to a chest. It was about the size of both of my hands. It was made of metal and was covered in intricate carvings. I quickly pulled it open. Inside this box was many golden charms, each containing a different symbol. One of the charms stood out, as it was a silver color. I pulled the charm from the box, and the box magically slammed shut. On closer inspection, I noticed the charm had no symbol.
As if it had been on cue, suddenly, a white light was being omitted from the decorative charm.
The oval shaped charm shifted into a tear drop shape. There was a small place for a gem in the center of the charm, and a blue glittering stone filled the space. An L and H was carved into the deep blue stone. The silver metal surrounding the stone was shiny, and covered in similar carvings as the box had. I was overwhelmed by the beauty it contained. I looked at my charm one last time, and attached it to a necklace I had on. It was a necklace I had been gifted by my old guild, I had it tucked in my shirt so no one could see it. I took the old charm on the necklace and threw it in my pocket, and put the new charm on my necklace.
A bunch of gray particles began to mesh together, and suddenly formed the shape of a woman.
"Congratulations, Lucille! You did wonderful! You've inherited the Celestial Angel charm! That means that you have the powers of the stars, spells relating to space, heaven, and much more! It's one of the best charms you can receive.
You scored and eighty-nine percent! I'm extremely proud of you. Lucille, I should inform you that this trial was like training for this final one. I'm so sorry for what's to come. You will be given a small break now, before the true terror begins." The woman snapped her fingers, and we were suddenly in a field.
"Here, have some lunch." She offered, as she gave me a fruit salad and bread roll. The fruit was so sweet, and the flavors were magnificent, as if they were grown in the heavens. The bread roll had warm butter smeared across the lightly toasted bread. I enjoyed each delicious bite, but ate quickly as as she did as well.
She offered me a nap, and I took it.
The area had a pleasant scent, like watermelon, and honeysuckle.
I took in a deep breath, and closed my eyes.. The woman warned me that, when I awoke, nothing would be right. I would see things that would scar me forever..
The pleasant scent would fade to that of dead bodies, and the surroundings would change to change to horrors.
It's fine though, because I'm ready.
I have to do this, so I can become Lucille Hart, and Lucy Heartfilia can be left to rot..

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