Escaping Sky Labrinth!

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~~Lucy POV, Sky Labyrinth~~

My team and I stood in a circle as I gathered my magic.
"So, how does this spell work?" Jenny asked, puzzled.
"Well, it takes our combined as a team and manifests. This resolve has to ensure everyone has the same goal, otherwise it won't work." I explained, opening one eye to look at her.
"Now then." I said, closing my eyes.
I took in a deep breath, first I would have to make the request.

"All seeing and omniscient angels,
Please assess us and grant us your heavenly help,
For what we seek is too hidden for earthy bodies to discover. I request Persephone, the one who once found herself lost in the underworld. Goddess Frigg, I request you aid Persephone in helping us."
I chanted, my group repeating after me.

I finished the spell, and I felt magic swirl around
A glow formed in my eyes, and my hair rose up. Then suddenly, the bright light surrounding me  formed into a ball of golden yarn, which was tied to something in the distance.

Yes! I knew this spell, 'God help." Would be useful. The spell had many factors that had to be in alignment to work.
Along with being required to have immense power and common goals with those around you, you'd have to cite the correct deities if you wanted it to work.

"Hey.. Did it work?" Ren asked, staring at the yarn.
"Of course it did, why would you doubt our Lucille?" Hibiki replied, sparkling slightly.
"Yeah Ren!" Eve seconded, smiling cutely.

"C'mon, we don't have to time to wait around! We gotta get first place!" I said with glee, following the yarn. My teammates ran behind me, shouting in agreement.

I was rolling the golden yarn carefully as I ran and followed it. I felt ecstatic, we were definitely going to nab first place! No way around it!

I felt my legs burn as I ran as fast as possible, my team mates a few steps behind me.

I felt bad for people trying to navigate this thing without a spell like mine.. There's nothing to help you navigate, no odd markings or anything.
Yikes.. I'm so glad I picked up angel magic.

"How do we now this thing is right?" Ren shouted from behind me.

"No reason to assume it isn't!" I shouted back, shrugging. The ball of yarn was significantly larger now, I knew we had to be close to finished.

They doubted me a lot more know. Recently I had stopped training for the most part, so I guess they thought I had been slacking off or something.

Truthfully, it was because my body can't handle many more spells. I talked to my zodiac spirits about me continuing training, but Capricorn told me that since my body was physically weak with wouldn't maintain all the spells it needed to.

So I'd have to get physically stronger before I could grow my magic.
I've been tossing a lot of my more random spells from my memory. I don't need them so much.
What I really need are what Virgo calls, "Star Dresses." I only know two of them, but they seem useful.

The Celestial Angel can't just use a bunch of jumbled magic, I've gotta find my key spells and stick to them.

We ran out onto a gray walkway, which seemed to go on infinitely. But then I stopped in my tracks and looked down.
The yarn led into the mural below us.

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