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The scoreboard was so much more than shocking.

"First place: NalPudding of Raven Tail.

Second Place: Rufus, of Sabertooth.

Third Place: My boy, Eve Tilm!

Fourth Place: Leon Vastia, of Lamia Scale.

Fifth Place: Yeager, From Quattro Cerberus.

Sixth Place: Beth Vanderwood, of Mermaid Heel.

Seventh Place: Juvia Lockser, from Fairy Tail B.

Eighth Place:  Gray Fullbuster, of Fairy Tail A."

I studied the arena, laying close attention to the body language of the competitors. It seemed like Nalpudding is solely attacking Gray.

I'd expect nothing less from a Raven...
I snarled loudly.

I may no longer be a fairy, but I know like anyone else that Raven Tail is pure trouble.

"Lucille, you missed the entire battle! Well.. Not the entire thing. There's a few minutes left!" Hibiki lectured, one eyebrow raised.

I cheered loudly, and Eve looked up at me.
"Woo!" I screamed again, jumping up and down.
"It seems the arena is a winter wonderland as Eve Tilm, also known as Eve Snow, claims another point!"

His eyes sparkled.
I waved my arms, and I saw Rufus Lore jump atop a building.

Jeez, Gray looks hurt. The Raven Tail guy is likely to blame for it.

Though, I need to focus on the real danger here.

What is he..?

It seems he's beginning to collect magic..
He's going on some weird spiel about the game..
..Memory make?

Wait.. No!

He's planning an aerial attack!

"COVER!" I whispered yelled, hoping he caught on.
I grabbed the sides of my head, fearful of what I was about to witness.

Please Eve, be safe..

Could I get in trouble for saying that?
Well, it's not in the rules I guess.

I should know, as Jenny forced us all to read that book a hundred times before the games even started..

He must've realized what I said, because he built a mound of snow around him faster than I could count to ten.

Before long, Rufus' spell cast.

Some sort of memory make spell,  one I had never heard of.

Down fell many stars, knocking out several players and bringing Rufus to first place.

"An attack I'd expect from a guy like Rufus Lore! He's snatched first place for Sabertooth!"

Only a few minutes left..

Eve, I taught you an aerial attack too..
Jeez, I sure hope he remembers it.

Eve rose from the mound of snow, completely unharmed.

I smiled softly, relieved he was okay.

I watched him closely, examining his every move.
His chest raised as he took in a deep breath, taking in the surrounding ether.
Snow began to fall heavily, and the air felt significantly colder.

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