After Party!

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I sat down inside a diner alone, finally getting some time to myself.
I was the only customer inside.

It was a pretty long walk here, it's all the way by the train station.

The sun was starting to set, I knew the Grand Magic Games had to of ended by now. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see numerous texts from my friends in Blue Pegasus.


"Eve: Hey Lucille, the team is gonna be celebrating Jenny's tie with Mirajane today at the Sugar Skull Bar."

"Jenny: Where u at sis?? We're partying tonight!"

"Hibiki:  Sup Angel, come out to the Sugar Skull. We'll be here all night! We even invited a couple other guilds over. Big fun!"

"Levy: Tell Jenny I said congrats! I'll be by tomorrow morning to wake ur lazy butt up!"


Aww, those cuties all messaged me.
Even Levy has a phone now.

I bought my teammates one, so we could keep in touch.

They're hard to find, so not very many people have them. They came all the way from another continent.

The waitress walked over to my table, "Ready to order yet?" She asked hesitantly.

I could see the uneasiness behind her smile.
Maybe she was just nervous around mildly famous wizards.

"Um, sure. Can I get.. One medium strawberry milkshake to go?" I asked as politely as possible.

"Sure thing!" She said, hustling back the kitchen.

I began looking through my friends' SnapTalk stories.

Jenny wasn't kidding when she said they were partying.

I should stop by, I've been sitting here at this diner for over an hour. Just reading magazines and staring out the window...

Maybe a party will liven up my spirit! Get me back to my old self.

The waiter brought out my strawberry milkshake.
For a medium, it was rather huge.

"Um excuse me, Ms. Hart. But would it be too much to ask for an autograph?" She squeaked out, her face flushed.

"Of course not, do you have a pen?" I asked.

She passed me a red gel pen, and a piece of paper.

"Thank you so much!" She said, joy evident in her voice.

I signed the paper elegantly.

"Don't be so nervous! You're a beautiful girl with wonderful manners.
With love, Lucille Hart.

P.S, if you ever need anything, my number is 555-9087!"

I passed the paper to her, and gave her a hug.
I don't know why I gave her the number to my phone.

She seemed nice though, so how could I not?
I'd love to have her as a friend.

I went to grab money from my wallet, but the redheaded waitress waved her hand dismissively.

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