Becoming a Wizard Saint / Battle with Natsu

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The next morning, I used my second teleportation pass to go meet the wizard saints. Lucy informed me before I did that I could only teleport a few times before I would have to relearn the spell all over again.

Three, exactly.

I appeared in front of the Saints, who appeared to be having some form of conversation.
Their eyes flashed to me, Jura smiling.
Most of them seemed rather uncomfortable at my presence.
"Evening." I said, taking a bow.

The wizard saint Jura greeted me with a handshake, while the others stared in shock and disgust. "You're the next saint?" One of them asked. I smirked and looked at my feet.

"Yeah. Aren't I supposed to be taking one of your places?" I said, cockily.

"Actually, we've had an empty space for a long while now. Two empty spaces actually. Makarov reclaimed his when YOU rescued him. Jellal was a wizard saint many years ago, you will be replacing him." The oldest saint said to me.

He made it sound like me helping Makarov and the Tenro Team was a bad thing.
Not surprising.

They never did like Fairy Tail much.

"Oh I see. Is there some kind of test or am I just supposed to exist?" I asked, glancing around the building. I really don't fit in here.
I internally sighed.

Put on a show. Act confident. Don't let them know that you're insecure.

"We've known you're powerful. We can all feel the magic radiating from you, Lucille Hart." Another saint said.

I sighed deeply, allowing my magic to flow freely.

Most of the time, I constricted it.
I didn't want to scare anyone.
I watched their faces become unsettled as it expanded.

"Even the saints can't see through you!" Lucy yelled happily, inside my head.

I snickered, and ignored her.
I kinda wish I knew these guys names. It'd be hard to ask now. I'd make myself look like a complete fool.

"So, any paperwork?" I asked.
Someone slid me a sheet with an area needing my signature.
"Sign this, and you'll be an official saint."
I grabbed a pen, and signed my name elegantly.

The saints all approached me, and we engaged in basic small talk. We all shook hands, and exchanged greetings.

Jura backed me the whole time, saying how powerful I was. It was strange to me since I had never personally met the man. I flashed my teeth as I smiled devilishly. "See you in the Grand Magic Games, Jura." I said, when I finally left the building. His jaw dropped, and I snickered.
I stepped out of the building, the large oak doors closing loudly behind me.
I felt pride swell in my chest.

Next stop, Blue Pegasus.

I started teleporting to my guild, and when we teleported to the front door Lucy started speaking again. That was my last teleportation pass.
"You're going to turn your brain to mush if you don't stop the teleporting stuff. That can't be good for you. Also, Master bob is about to hug attack you when you spread the news."
Lucy talked in a comedic tone, so I wasn't too worried about mushing my brains.

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