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Gray poured the large bucket of water into the cauldron, and it filled the cauldron to the brim.

We all sat in around the cauldron.

I began to conjure Natsu and Lisanna up in my mind. Once I had a full image of them in my head, I looked up from the black ceramic cauldron.
"Ready?" I asked.
Gray nodded, as did Levy.
I stared into the water, and held my hands slightly above the cauldron. The water began to swirl into a vortex. As the water spun, I muttered,
"Celestial lords above, grant me vision to find the lost. Guardian Angel spell, activate." I closed my eyes tight as I finished the spell, and I felt my extra magic energy finally emptying from me.
It felt a little cleansing, since I was blessed with an abundance of magic power.

I needed to dispel some eventually.

In my mind, I continued thinking of Natsu and Lisanna. When I finally opened my eyes, the vortex was beginning to stop and in the water appeared an aerial view of Natsu and Lisanna. The two were in the center of Crocus, playing in flowers.

I felt slight jealousy tinge my soul.

I swallowed and closed my eyes. Levy seemed rather disgusted by the video playing in the water.
"I knew they were off somewhere acting like idiots! I swear once I get my hands on that flame for brains!" Gray said, clearly agitated.
I felt a sudden rush of anger over me. For a moment I couldn't figure out why. Then I realized it must've been Lucy. I knew she had the ability to affect my emotions. My veins were burning a vibrant dark red, and I felt them began to heat up.
This was new.
Normally they'd light up once a day, but did today they'd been emitting light all day! It felt good, actually. Finally being to feel something strongly. "Let's find them and tell Makarov." Levy said, irritated.
I felt my chin began to quiver in rage as I watched them playing around so joyfully.
Then I heard something that upset me more than anything else. "Aren't I more fun than that Heartfilia tramp you used to hang out with?" Lisanna asked, in her usual cheerful tone.
Now my veins felt like they were on fire, I was so pissed.
I expected Natsu to laugh along, but he froze for a moment.
Once he snapped out of his trance, he nodded. I was too busy staring at the image, I didn't notice how seething Levy was.
Gray didn't seem nearly as mad as Levy, but he definitely seemed irritated.
Levy was shaking with rage. Her whole body was trembling. "Let's go." Gray said, standing up.
I put my hand in the water so that I could wave away the image.
When my hand touched the cold water, there was a fizzing noise as the water around my hand heated up and began to turn to steam and boil.
I quickly pulled my hand out, and stood up myself. I jumped back, even surprised myself.
Gray seemed incredibly confused by what I did.
I wanted to help Levy up, but I was afraid I would burn her.
This was so unusual.
She stood up on her own, and we walked out of the cluttered supply room. The water was evaporating, and I couldn't be bothered to move the cauldron. "What happened to your hand in the water?" Gray asked me, looking me directly in the eyes.
C'mon, c'mon.. think of something..
I met his gaze and began to speak, "Well, Gray. For one, I really hate those who break rules without reason. Two, my body temperature is especially high because I'm especially pissed at those two members of yours." I said, still rather angry and hurt over what Natsu and Lisanna said about me.
I was lying about the rule breaking thing, though. Sometimes it's fun to break rules.
However, Gray seemed to believe me, and just quietly said, "Oh, okay." Once we reached the first floor again, we all searched the crowd of people for Makarov.
"There!" Levy said, interrupting the silence between our group. I wasn't paying any attention to the surrounding herds of people. We all rushed over to the elderly man, who seemed to be slightly drunk. "Why, hello there pretty lady!" He said to me. I was a little uncomfortable considering he didn't know I was Lucy Heartfilia.
"Evening, Makarov. We have important information to bring you." I said, bowing respectfully. A few people around us began to stare, but I didn't care. "Natsu and Lisanna ran off. Me, Levy, and Lucille are going to retrieve them." Gray explained, a cold and piercing expression on his face. He kept himself composed, but I could tell he wasn't happy. Levy nodded along.
"They what?!" Makarov shouted, slamming his wooden mug into a table. It shattered as it collided with our fancy table. Levy seemed a bit shocked by his reaction.
"Those brats are putting themselves in danger! They know that we're on not good terms with Twilight Ogre! They disobeyed a direct order!" Makarov said furiously. I blinked impatiently.
"Go retrieve them! Lucille, please give them a good beating before you drag them back!" He said, clearly still drunk.
"I'd be happy to." I replied quickly. Grays eyes darted over to me. I grabbed Gray by the collar on his shirt and turned around. We needed to leave before Makarov decided to retrieve them himself. Levy followed by my side, and we rushed through the crowd.
Once we got out, I released Gray.
"Let's go get those damn fools. With force." I said, with a treacherous smirk. Levy giggles a little. "Guess I always have wanted to fight Natsu seriously." Gray said, cracking his knuckles. "We punish rule breakers around here." I said, a sickly cheerful tone in my voice.
I knew we weren't going to make it in time if we went by train or foot, so I decided to I'd use my magic to create a cloud. I summoned the cloud and it began to form from my hands.
"Hop on!" I said, as it took full shape.

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