A Letter from Romeo

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~Fairy Tail Guild~
I sat alone at the bar nearly every day, as most our members were gone now.
After the Tenro Team disappeared, everyone has been so rude, and distant to our guild.
Not to mention how cruel our guild has been being treated. Worst part is though, someone has taken up the job to defend us.
It's a nice gesture, don't get me wrong! But at the same time, it's super lame that we need a body guard.
Like, I'm not being ungrateful, it's really nice of this person to protect us, but we could take care of it ourselves.
Actually, scratch that, we probably couldn't.
Ever since they left, we've been so weak
It's been six and three fourths of a year since they all disappeared.
In a few months, it'll be seven.
We were the most powerful guild, but that isn't even the case anymore.
Now, it's Sabertooth, then Lamia Scale, then Blue Pegasus.
I've heard some rumors that Blue Pegasus have some new angel chick as a member.
I'd love to meet her, honestly.
How cool would it be to meet someone comparable to an angel? She's like my idol now!
She would probably be super powerful!
We were so powerful.. That's changed.
I can't help but wonder why I can't get the thoughts of how Fairy Tail has fallen in rank out of my head.
That's not the only thing I care about, though.
I really do miss my friends.
Laughing together.
The brawls they'd have..
All of the tears, smiles, and screams.
It's all gone..
Sometimes,  I like to think of Lucy instead, and where she might be right now.
We've determined that she is alive.
Some of us think she's the one protecting the guild.
Which would be better than a random stranger.
I wish she could just..Write me a letter or something..
It would be great to talk to an old friend like her.
I need to talk to an old friend, to reminisce on the old memories.
But, whatever.
Lucy, wherever you are, I hope you're okay.
We miss you.

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