Tenro Island!

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Master Mavis was definitely a threat to me, and Lucy.

She is a threat to my entire way of living, and I can't let her ruin what I've tried so hard to build. All of my hard work could be destroyed by a wave of her small hand. All my power, my fame, my newly made friends. Nearly seven years worth of grinding and training, to be destroyed by a little dead girl? I think not.
I disregard all of the pounding thoughts in my head telling me I need to respect Fairy Tail and care for them. I don't owe them anything. I've cared for their sorry guild for years. This is my final favor, from here on, we're enemies. Nothing more, nothing less.
"Go. Be quick. Don't kill her, drain her power so she can't show herself." I thought to myself and Lucy, hoping Lucy hadn't already left with intent to kill. Er, kill again I suppose.
I heard an annoyed grunt, signifying she wasn't happy about my mercy towards Mavis. I felt a tearing pain in my chest, as if someone had taken my soul and threw it in a paper shredder.
A screech similar to that of a wild animal escaped my lips as I fell to my knees.
I saw as all my Fairy Tail crew stared in horror, Laki even fell to the ground with me and started rubbing my back.
Wakaba and Macao backed away.
"Lucille! What's wrong? What's happening to you?" She cried out, but I could only answer in screams.
I pulled at my hair, yanking and clawing at it like a bird to prey. My breathing grew scattered, and erratic.
Laki picked me from the ground as if I were a delicate flower, holding me bridal style in her arms with difficulty.
Suddenly, I began to feel better.
I felt the searing pains cease, and I fell quiet.
"Are you alright?" I was asked softly, by who I couldn't decipher.
I felt rather squeamish, but I tried to push myself from Laki's frail arms.
She gently laid me down, and asked me, "What happened?" The only response I could think of on the spot was ridiculous, but I told them anyway. "It's because of my magic, and my lack of correlation to Fairy Tail. Your island is protected so no other guilds can invade, since I have the mark of what is considered bad, the island tried to get rid of me. I'm fine now. Let's continue searching." As I finished my improvised explanation, I received many unsure and frightened glances, but they all nodded and asked no more questions. I could barely speak or stand, but somehow I managed. The insignia of the nightmare realm wasn't good, so it made sense in my lie. I couldn't tell them that the embodiment of all my emotions from six years ago just ripped herself out of body to fight their dead first master.
"We should go forward." I said, beginning to shakily walk once again. They looked worried.
"Yeah," agreed Wakaba, and then we continued to walk through the island.
We decided to split up, since we'd be able to find them quicker if we did.
Lucy has yet to come back to me, I have no way of making her help me find the lost members of  Fairy Tail.
"Lucy!" I called out in my head, hoping there would be some way she'd hear.
"Hey, Lucille.." Bisca said aloud, attracting my attention.
"Yes, Bisca?" I said, glancing to my side and looking at her.
"Do you think.. Do you think that they'll be okay?" She asked, a solemn tone to her voice.
"I can sense their souls.. They're here, they're alive. I can feel each breath they take. Bisca, they're alive and well. All of them." I said, trying my best to seem poetic.
There was a momentarily silence, as everyone processed what I said.

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