In the Mind of Demon Lucy

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Every second inside of Lucille's body is relaxing. She is so carefree.
She doesn't have a thing to worry about. It's strange to me, I'm a demon, in the body of an angel.
I'm trapped her body, it's like floating around endlessly among clouds, but it's an amazing feeling.
I'm so glad I've come along to guide her.
She definitely needs it.
For what's to come is so very disastrous.
I can't say I'm as excited for the future as she is.
I wonder how she will react when our previous guild mates return?
Crying? Laughing? A Murderous rampage?
I really do wonder.
Lucille Hart, the name is so obvious, yet no one suspects a thing.
I wonder what Lucille would think of this, what would she think of my happiness?
I really do question her. She allowed a demon who caused her so much pain into her body. Though, one day I will have to step up and protect her. This day is sooner than I would like to admit..She will have to absorb me to save everything she loves.. The evil may overtake her.. Then, she will become an entity with no equal. An angel absorbing a demon is a recipe for trouble. But, I will not linger over sad thoughts.
I also wonder why she chose Blue Pegasus to join, but I shan't judge her decision, because it brings her joy to be in this strange guild.
There is one thing I truly wish to tell Lucille.
The planets once all orbited Team Natsu, as if they were the only star in our galaxy.
But, the planets are falling out of alignment, and the moons that had to follow the planets are rising, and becoming planets of their own.
And they worship a new star.
A star known as Lucille Hart is rising, she is fighting for her own place in our galaxy, as the other star combusts.
She will be the next leader of the galaxy known as Fiore.

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