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We soared for maybe five minutes before I found the the two rule breakin mages.
This is where the fun began.
Gray leaped from my cloud mid-air, and.
I followed after him. Before I leaped, I clutched Levy in my arms and used my wings to go down.
She made an "Oop!" Noise as I pulled her down with me.
My back was facing the ground as we fell towards it. I held Levy closely in my chest so she wouldn't face any harm.
Levy screamed as we grew closer to the pavement. Right as we were inches away, I opened my wings and carried us up.
I landed gracefully on my feet, where gray stood waiting with a few bruises.
I released Levy from my grasp instantly, and she took a few moments to breathe.
"You really scared me there Lucille!" Levy said, excitedly. I couldn't help but giggle, I saw that even  Gray nearly smiled.
We had no time for lallygagging right now, though. "Look! There they are!" I said in a quiet tone. We all turned our attention to the pink haired mage walking down the road, with a white haired mage at his side.
We all exchanged nods, as we prepared to attack. As quiet as I possibly could, I up behind them, and I wrapped my arm around Natsu's neck. I put him in a headlock and dragged him down to the ground. I released him and he slammed into the concrete. "What the hell?!" Natsu screamed, taking up a fighting stance. I leaped back away from him, and put some distance between us. Lisanna followed after him, and took a very similar stance. "It's you!" Lisanna declared, clearly confused. "You're that crazy angel lady! Gray? Levy? What're you doing with her?" Natsu screamed, flames enveloping his fists.
He was ready for a brawl, and so were we.
"We're here to return you to the the rest of our guild. You broke Masters rules! You're gonna pay!" Gray screamed, full of rage.
Wait uh... Were actually gonna fight 'em?
"Well I'm not going down easy!" Natsu shouted, his flames building.
I knew there was something going on here when I saw how enraged Gray was.
Gray wouldn't get this mad over a rule.
I tried not to focus on him, I had better things to do. Levy stood off to the side, I guess she didn't want to physically battle anyone.
She didn't need to anyway.
"Gray, take Lisanna. I'd kill her." I said, meeting his eyes.
Seriously.. I don't think she'd make it.
"I-What?! Fine!" Gray said, angrily.
Before I could attack, Natsu punched me in my ribcage. I felt shock and excitement run through my blood as the pain spread through me. I hadn't felt pain in battle in a very long time!
"Now that's new! I felt that one!" I said, getting a bit thrilled.
"Again!" I screamed, my eyes widening.
I could hear Gray and Lisanna battling to my right. 
I felt wings start to flutter in anticipation, my hands clenched. He struck me again, sending me into the concrete. I couldn't help but cackle. I regained my stance immediately, and I stretched my wings out.
I flew at him and grabbed his shoulders, throwing him into the wall of the building. The bricks the building was made of caved in around Natsu, and his leg was trapped under a pile of rubble. Before he could react, I attacked again. In an instant, three magic circles surrounded him, colored in indigo. "Fury of the angels, fester and destroy!" I shouted, as a ball of blue and gold electricity began to form.
It swelled over my three magic circles and trapped Natsu inside for a few seconds.
He screamed like no creature I had ever heard before.. The ball dispelled, and Natsu crashed into the ground. He was shaking, and could barely get up. I hovered over him, deciding whether to beat him some more or whether to give up.
"More." Lucy said. I felt myself lose a bit of control, and I realized Lucy was trying to take over.

"No!" I whispered to myself. She gave me back control, but I knew she would quickly take it back if I didn't rough him up some more.

I floated down, and snatched him up. I tossed him across the town as if he were light as a feather. He collided into three other buildings before he finally stopped.
I thought he was done, but he wasn't. I guess I realized what it felt like to be the bad guy against Natsu. He never gives up, that's for sure.
He began to soar at me with flames coming from his feet.
Before he could crash into me, I flew in front of him and kicked him back into the building I first grabbed him from.
Now it was no longer just a dent in the building, it was a hole! He groaned in pain, and cleaned himself off. In the blink of an eye, he was standing again. "Fire dragon, roar!" He screamed, blowing fire at me.
I felt the scorching hot flames against my skin. I felt my wings burn a bit, but ignored the searing pain. I had felt much worse fire before. "Perfectly exquisite! I love a good sensation every now and then!" I said, laughing maniacally.
I felt myself lose control again. Now it was up to Lucy to show mercy, not me. Lucy charged into him with my shoulder, knocking him into large fountain. Lucy grabbed him by his collar as he was under the water and repeated punches into his face. Once he had finally passed out, she threw him over my shoulder. I felt control slip back into me, which was good. Lucy was always a fan of overkill.
"Gray, knock Lisanna out." I shouted to him. He was pretty far away from us. He nodded, and punched Lisanna. She was already on the ground, but I wanted them both incapacitated. Gray heaved her over his shoulder like I did, and we began to walk back to Levy. "G-great job you guys! That was really scary!" Levy said, visibly frightened.
"Don't worry, I won't use my scary magic on you." I said to Levy, ruffling her hair. "That's good to hear." Levy said, smiling nervously. "Let's get back to Makarov." Gray told us, frowning.
I felt a bit of dread in my
Lucy took control so easily.. I'm gonna have to meditate or something to prevent that..
I sighed, and the dread faded.
I began to summon a cloud to take us, but Gray intervened.
"After that fight with Natsu, are you sure you have the magic power to do that?" Gray asked, a caring expression on his face.
I felt a little shocked.
No one had asked me anything like that in a while.
It was always expected of me to have more, so no one bothered to check and see if I was okay.
I felt a little warmth in my heart for the first time in a while. "Of course, Gray. I can handle this." I said, a bit cheerfully. The cloud formed and I dropped Natsu's body onto it, and I put the cloud on auto pilot to Blue Pegasus.
I made it go rather slow as I worked my way through my thoughts.
I had a lot on my mind. How could Lucy just take control like that? Why? What if she does something bad and I can't regain control?  All these different thoughts rushed through brain before I could even answer them for myself.

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