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I rubbed my eyes hard, the last few tears had already been squeezed out.
I had cried here for so long, the crowds were gone and all I could hear was the faraway calls from Jenny.

I took in a few deep breaths, collecting everything that had silently fallen apart.

I need to stop this. I've been breaking down so much. Crying.. Isolating myself.. it's not good for me and I know it. Forget about my past with Fairy Tail...

"Lucille!" Jenny called.

I'm a Pegasus. Have been.
I furrowed my eyebrows, and clenched my fists.

And although we aren't the strongest, or the best..

We're still us, and that's what's important. No more reminiscing, and crying. It's time I accept that I'm fighting Fairy Tail for now. No more being besties with the guild. I'll look out for them, but during these games? We're enemies. I'll take out whoever I need to..

I stood up tall, rebraiding my hair.. It seems most crowds are gone now..
I sniffled a bit,
Wait, that means the duels will start soon! No way am I missing those.

I walked down the halls, making my way back to the concessions.
"Here you are!" I replied, handing the cashier money.
I bought myself a soda, and a tea for Jenny. I got Ren a coffee, black. Eve got a cola, and Hibiki a cola.
My hands were full, as a familiar face approached.

I walked down the hall, and Jenny rushed towards me.

"Lulu! There you are! I was worried!" She said, stopping in her tracks.

"Oh, here. I'll take a few of those." She said, taking the tea and one cola.

"Those are yours, and Hibiki's." I said, softly smiling.

"Aw! You didn't have to!" Jenny said, surprised.

"Well, who else would these be for?" I said, shrugging.

She gave me a side hug, leaning her head against me.

"Lulu, it's good to see you back to yourself again." Jenny told me, cryptically.

...What does she mean?

Has something changed that drastically in me?

"Let's hurry back up there Jenny! It's about to start up again!" I said happily, as we went back up to the stands..

We quickly got back with the others, who accepted their drinks gratefully.

"Sorry I took so long guys, you would not have believed the line I stood in." I said, my face becoming annoyed on que.

I mean, I couldn't exactly tell them I had a spontaneous breakdown..

"I was starting to worry." Ren said, leaning against the stone wall.

"Ah, I've gotta get back to the announcers stand. Later!" Jenny said, waving goodbye to us.

"Later, Jenny!" I said, leaning forward. I looked back as she quickly walked away.

"Please let me join a duel, please let me join a duel." I said, crossing my fingers.

"Never fear, Angel. There is still much more action in the coming days~" Ichiya stated, posing and sparkling simultaneously.

I sighed out of boredom, puffing my cheeks.

"But I wanna join noooooow!" I whined, frowning.

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