Second Origin

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After we did all of that, we had some food and then went back to the guild, afterward I told them what they needed to work on, and how to perfect the areas in which they are lacking.

Ren is lacking in the ability to do Teamwork and needs to perfect his spells. Eve needs to think of better, more efficient ways to use his magic.

I showed him a few ways to do such.

Lastly, Hibiki's brute magic power is barely above average. If I had an MPF, his score probably wouldn't make it to three digits..

Today, we will be unlocking second origin.
Ichiya has already discovered his, but the Trimen haven't, which isn't surprising.
Ichiya decided not to come with us today, as he thought it would be unnecessary. I guess that's because we aren't doing anything beneficial to him.
This is something that will cause them some extreme pain, but it will be worth it. I opened Jenny's second origin a month ago, when she felt weaker than the boys..
"Lulu, I feel so weak.. I feel like nothing.. Nothing more than a pretty girl.. No one thinks I can fight. Because, I cant! I don't want to be a member of the crowd, I wanna be on top too.." Jenny sobbed, tears streaming down her face.

"Jen-Chan, I used to feel just like you do. I cried because I felt so much weaker than my peers. I fell behind, and lost everything.. I won't let you feel that pain I did!" I told her, hugging her close.

"I want  to, but I'm too nervous to train with the boys every day. They're already so much stronger than me.." She said, solemnly staring at her hands..

"Then, train with me! I go out running every night. And I visit the gym when I have spare time. I meditate which helps expand your magic power..."
I said excitedly, holding her hands.

"You'll let me train with you even though I'm so far behind?" Jenny asked, wiping her tears..
"Of course Jenny!" I replied.
"Well, can we start tonight! I won't be able to sleep tonight if we don't." Jenny said, practically begging..
I couldn't say no..
I remember that night like it was yesterday.. Well, it wasn't really long ago.

We trained so hard that night, until sunlight came.
Then, I opened her second origin to really push her ahead...

When we all gathered together, we were all sitting legs crossed on another hill near my house.
We had meditated a bit beforehand, just to gather magic power.

"Everyone ready?" I asked, standing up.
Ren nodded.
"I am." Eve said sternly, looking to the others, who were sitting beside him.
Everyone stayed quiet for a mere moment, until Hibiki spoke up.
"Question, is this all that painful?"
Hibiki asked worriedly.
"Hm...Why don't you find out?" I asked, a smirk slowly forming upon my lips.
He stared at me slightly puzzled.
"Ether Enhancment: Open Dos." I continued, before he could even realize what I was doing to him.
The magical power in my body gathered in my hand, so I could shoot the spell into him instead of doing an entire incantation.

For such a powerful wizard, I'm pretty lazy..

I shot a ball of white energy at him, which came from my index finger. His veins lit up, emitting a pale energy, and he weakly fell to his knees.

I felt a bit bad for shooting him like that, but he will be fine.
I figured I should do it before he tries to back out. Hibiki squirmed and gasped, along with some grunts. He was on the verge of screaming, I could tell. I understood why. It's not pleasant.
"Asclepius, use your powers to heal my friend, ease his pain." I whispered the enchantment, a soft blue glow around Hibiki..

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