Another Day Gone

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After I let everything off my chest to Loki, he hung out with me for most of the day.

We didn't leave the house, but it was still nice to just hang out. We reviewed what he was going to say to Fairy Tail, and so much more.

I still hadn't visited my guild, and I didn't really feel like visiting today.

Though, I knew I couldn't avoid my guild forever. They were my new family, no way I could ditch them like I did my last.
When I finally got out of bed that morning, I quickly showered and had a simple breakfast. Afterwards, I brushed my teeth I needed to get dressed.

I reached into my closet and tried to find something new to wear. I grabbed a bandaid top that matched the color of my eyes, and I loved this shirt. It barely covered my boobs, but it was still really cute. I grabbed some pants to go with it, that fit super loosely.
It reminded me of an outfit Erza wore once.

I adored this outfit.
I added some ankle length boots, and I had my complete my outfit.  My pants covered my boots, but they added two inches to my height. I put on some lip gloss, and prepared to leave for the day. I couldn't stay home forever, I needed to get some fresh air.
I put my hair up again, into a long braid that stretched below my waist. I decorated my hair with some beautiful red flowers, and prepared to leave for the day.  I grabbed my arrows, and walked out. Today I needed to fight. I had too much spare energy today. I was going to test myself.

I walked to my guild with magic radiating from me.

When I walked in, I noticed Fairy Tail was still there. I felt a little irritated.
They were sitting everywhere in our guild, on the floor and at booths. They sat at the bar, and some sat at tables too. I saw Levy perk up when she saw me. I saw Lisanna and Natsu sitting together, and I felt a little queasy.
I supposed it would be nice to talk to my old best friend. Levy was quickly approaching me.
"Hey! You're Lucille right?" I was nervous now, but I wasn't going to dive out a window again..
That was way too painful..
"That would be me." I said, trying my best to keep my cool.
"Can I speak with you in private?" Levy said.
I glanced behind her and saw Natsu kiss Lisanna. Remorse filled my body.
"Uh. Yeah. Let's go." I grabbed her hand gently, and led her upstairs. The second floor was practically empty, so I walked to a two person table and sat down with her.
"What's up?" I asked, trying to seem more stoic.
"Are you going to drop the act?" Levy asked, a grin on her face. I furrowed my brows.
"Lucy, I know it's you."
I was silent.
"I think you have the wrong person." In a moment of panic, I scooted my chair away a bit.
"I'm not stupid, Lucy. Not stupid at all. I've known, but I seem to be the only one. I won't tell, I promise. I want us to be friends again." She said, taking both of my hands. I was about to cry.

Instead of crying, I grinned.
I let out a sigh of relief.

"Levy.. It feels so good to talk to you. As much as I love you, I can't go back to guild. I need some form of revenge first." I said in a whisper clenching my fist. She frowned.
"I understand that. I'm on your side. I'll help you get your revenge if you let me." She said, furrowing her brows. She seemed so motivated.
"You will?" I asked, slack jawed. She smiled deviously and held my hands.
"Of course! I'm just as mad as you are. The things they said about you while you were gone. I couldn't believe it. Most of the members of our guild constantly insulted you. Some even said they wanted to fight you when you came back. But when you did, they all pretended to be cool with you. It was all so two faced! They just picked on you because you were weak." Levy said, telling me information I hadn't know prior.
"I knew most of them hated me.. Deep down I knew. Especially after Lisanna came back. It was obvious." I said, infuriated.
My veins started to glow red as I grew angrier.

"You're magic power has amplified. It's like that information gave you a boost.." Lucy said in my head.
I ignored her.
"Lisanna hates your guts. Lucille and Lucy. But it's okay, we hate her too." Levy smiled again at me. I couldn't help but smile back.
I felt some emotion drain from me.
I felt cold, and angry.
"Levy, did they say anything else?" I asked, turning my full attention back to her.
"Natsu thinks your a traitor. Gray is beginning to lose faith in you, as is Erza and Juvia. I'm the only one who's been dedicated to you the entire time. Master has too, but not in the same way." Levy said, resting her head on her hands.

She had a content smile on her face this entire time.
I missed that soft smile.

"The Grand Magic Games are in a few months. During the Battle Royal, I plan to destroy Fairy Tail." I told her, keeping my voice low.

They want to win, right?
Well, I'm here to make sure they don't.

"I don't blame you. Even though I'm loyal to my guild, they need a serious butt kicking for the way they behaved!" Levy agreed.
I couldn't help but giggle.
My veins were glowing a passionate red now. Not bright enough to jump out at you, but they definitely changed.
I heard footsteps approaching us and I quickly turned to look behind us. When I moved to look around the corner, Levy caught a glance at the veins on my wrists. Before she could say anything, Gray began approaching our table.
"Hey, you two." Gray said, pulling a chair over to our table.
"Hello, Gray Fullbuster. Pleasure to formally make you acquaintance." I said, reaching out my hand for him to shake. I could be playful, but now I'm going to make it a little more business.
He took my hand into his slightly hesitantly.
I realized why he was wary when I noticed he could see my veins. I tried to dust it off.
I pushed myself to calm down a bit.
"Levy and I were discussing my magic. She was quite curious." I said, slightly embarrassed.
"Is your magic to blame for whatever is going on in your arms?" He asked, rather rudely.
Levy seemed confused that he was suddenly so comfortable with me.
Frankly, I was too.
"I guess you could say that. They change based on how strong an emotion I feel is. I don't know what most of the colors mean, honestly." I said, bluffing. Though my veins did light up because of my emotions, it was because I tend to get more magic power when I feel things strongly. My magic power swells in my body and manifests through my veins. However, I do know what the colors mean.
Red signifies anger. Dark blue, sadness. Dark green, happiness.
Light green, jealousy. Violet, out of control.
Dark pink, flirtatious.
Light pink, irritated.
Onyx, hatred and evil.
White, overflowing with power.
When I'm neutral, my veins don't glow at all. I wasn't quite sure how I obtained this trait. Most of my magic is pretty jumbled. As long as it's Angelic or celestial related, it's my magic.
"That's cool, I guess." He said, examining my arm. The glow began to go down a bit.
"So, about your magic. I need a favor, I figured you'd be the only person able to do it." He said.
"That is?" I asked. Levy stared curiously.
"I need you to use a spell to locate someone. Two people from mine and Levy's guild took off acting really suspicious." He said, crossing his arms. "Who?" Levy asked quickly.
He looked over at her.
"Natsu and Lisanna. They both learned about the Grand Magic Games in two months, and I think they took off to go practice. Makarov told us all to stay here. They're breaking his word." Gray said, sounding irritated.
I was surprised he wanted to find them. Usually Gray didn't care. I guess he's not too happy with them.
"Fair enough. I'll need a cauldron and some water. Cauldron is in a supply closet. I'll be up there with Levy. You can fetch the water yourself." I said, standing up. Levy stood up too. We began to walk towards the supply closet, and I heard Gray sigh. I quickly ushered Levy in.
"That was strange." I said, closing the door behind us. Levy was exploring the dusty supply room. It was a pretty big room. Levy nodded at me.
I walked to the corner of the room where I knew they stored the cauldron. I heaved it up into my arms, and I barely made it to the center of the room before I dropped it on the ground. It was pretty heavy duty, so it didn't get any damage. I rolled it into the proper position, and Levy dusted it off. Gray opened the door, holding a bucket of water.
His eyes seemed empty...

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