Self Improvement.

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Once I finally awoke from my slumber, I was only a little less sore.
"Morning sleeping beauty. You've been out for three days."

Lucy said to me. I couldn't believe it.
"W-What?" I said. Lucy confirmed it to me, and I quickly got out of bed.

I was still in pain, but it had toned down quite a lot. My ribs felt like they were healing rather quickly.

My tongue was still swollen and painful, but much better now. I decided I'd summon Loki to tell him I'm okay.
I just thought of summoning him, not even bothering to touch the key. He appeared in a cloud of glitter, and sighed in relief. He gently wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug, before pulling away and speaking.
"I'm glad you're better, I was worried sick!" He said, adjusting his glasses.
"I know, I'm sorry." I said to him, fidgeting with my hands.
"You know Lucy, er, Lucille.. I really care about you, and so do the rest of your spirits. All of Blue Pegasus worships you, too! Don't let Natsu's stupid ass get you down. Recently, they've been trying to contact me. I'm not going to speak with them unless you want me to, though." Loki said, initially with passion. I paused and raised my eyebrow.

"Loki, I'm not gonna crack the whip on you if you talk to them. It's your decision, I don't really care either way. If you think it's necessary, go ahead." I told him, shrugging.
"Yeah, I know that. You won't mind if I go make a lie for you then?" Loki said with a smile.

"Not at all. You know, I really did like being carried the other day. I'm gonna have to start hurting myself more often." I said jokingly, acting like I was falling against him.
I was trying to lighten the mood a bit. There was still negative energy, but a little less.
"That won't be necessary."
He said, grabbing me gently. He carried me on his side like I was a baby. He didn't seem to be having any trouble carrying me either.
"I'll do anything for a beautiful lady such as yourself." Loki said flirtatiously. I giggled a little, and he blushed. I guess he didn't expect me to receive that well. After a while, he sat me down on my kitchen counters. He started to changed the bandages on my hands.
"I'm not a kid, Loki. I can do it myself." I said to him, pulling my hand away.
My hand was scraped up, so the bandages had to be replaced. He met my eyes, and frowned. The negative energy was starting to build up again. He pulled my hand back to him and started wrapping it. "Loooookiiiiiii." I said, drawing his name out. He didn't look happy. Guess I was pushing buttons. "You know, for those days you were asleep I came and checked on you. I began to wonder if you'd ever wake up. People rarely survive a fall like that, Lucille." He was lecturing me again. He finished bandaging up my right hand, and moved to my left. I sighed.
"You don't have to call me Lucille, Loki. There's no point. Just call me Lucy. And yeah, I know. I'm just as surprised I survived." I replied, looking off to the side.
"Man, that would suck. Me, dying from a mere fall? Yikes.." I said in a whisper.

He fidgeted with his glasses again. He took them off and set them down on the counter beside me.
He adjusted his tie too, I could tell he was nervous about something.
"What's wrong, Loki?" I asked.
"I should be asking you that. What is wrong, Lucy? What happened in the Nightmare Realm? Why'd you jump out of a window? You keep trying to push me away but I need to know, Lucy!" He said, his voice frantic.

I was shocked, and anxiety swelled in my chest.
Loki had never stood up to me like that, if you would even call it that.
My lungs were full of what felt like electricity, I didn't know what to say. I was silent for a minute,
I don't really want to explain.
But I saw Loki's pleading eyes, and I couldn't lie to him. There was no way I could keep hurting him like this.
"Loki.. I just experienced a bunch of bad stuff. Now I have a voice in my head, who tried to make me kill myself while in the Nightmare Realm. I call her Lucy, because she's the embodiment of all my past emotions as Lucy. I leaped out the window because I'm not ready to become Lucy again." I tried to explain as calmly as possible.
I was still a stuttering mess as I managed spit it out. Loki ran his fingers through his hair in confusion. I felt more than guilty.
I refused to make eye contact with him, I couldn't. "Lucy, I don't want a summary. I want to know everything. Tell me it all." Loki said, putting his hand on my shoulder. I confessed everything to him in that moment. I blew up. I told him about every single thing I experienced in those trials.

The torture, the glass people, the fire, the falls.

I told him how I felt, before and after I escaped Fairy Tail.
I left no detail out.
Loki listened intently, occasionally asking questions. By the end of my explanation, I felt so much better. My heart felt a little bit lighter.
I almost felt like I was floating after years of being chained to the ground. It felt good just to let everything out.
Loki gave me a supportive hug, and we talked a little while after. A weight had been lifted, and I was so much more than grateful.

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