A Preliminary Round?

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The footsteps grew closer, and I sat down on a mahogany bench. I shuffled around a bit, now staring at the stone pavement.
I felt the bench creak as the person sat beside me.
"Hey." The voice of Natsu said.

I was scared of what he might have to say.
I didn't want to lie anymore.

I looked over to him. The orange sunlight shined in his pink colored hair.

He was still the same Natsu I had fallen in love with..

Over these seven years, he hasn't changed a bit.
"Hi." I replied dryly, looking back to the sky.
I could tell by his expression he wanted to talk, but didn't want to disturb me.
"What's wrong?" I asked, turning to him.
I couldn't ignore the situation.
He seemed so vulnerable.
Vulnerability was something I kicked a long time ago.
Well, for the most part.
He sat down beside me on the bench, arms folded.
"You remind me of my old best friend.. I wanted to talk to you because.. Well, every time I see you a calmness falls over me. It's like I'm with her again." He said, staring at his hands.

In that moment, I just wanted to tell him..
I wanted to say everything I've never told him.
How much I loved him..
How sorry I am..
But now isn't the time for that.

"I'm sorry. That time she and I spoke I noticed there were similarities between us. We even talked about it." I said, fidgeting with my hands.
"I know you're not her, though. Lisanna told me she's dead. I guess I just need to accept it:" Natsu added, scooting a bit closer to me. My heart wanted so badly just to say it.
To say that I am that girl.
"She's not dead. Don't let that dumb girl get in your head." I replied, giving him a gentle smile. My eyes flickered over to him, and his face seemed confused. He was staring at my back.
The cutout on my back made it so he could see all of them..
All of those damn scars.

Anxiety grew in my chest, knowing he would ask.
"Hey.. What're all these scars on your back?
He asks, looking at my back. He traced them with his fingers softly.

I guessed he was trying to decipher what caused them.
I didn't reply. I really didn't want to talk about it.
"Wait, why are your wings burned up? Who did this to you?!" He asked angrily, running his fingers across them.

Why does he care...? I beat him up..

I stretched them out for him to see.
I chuckled softly, putting my face in my palm.
"You did, dummy." I replied.

He looked at me for a moment in disbelief.
"But.. That was a month ago.." he replied, his eyes wide.

"They'll go away whenever I pluck them out, or when they fall out and new ones grow back. I can't exactly reach back there to get all the burnt ones." I said, rubbing my neck sheepishly.
"Oh.. I'm sorry. Want me to pull em out?" He asked, petting my wings.

Natsu was surprisingly gentle.

I was a bit dumbfounded.
Straightforward I guess.
"Um.. If you want to.." I replied.
I had tried numerous times to pull them out on my own, but I couldn't. I was going to ask Levy.
He would at least be able to pull them out for me.
"Alright, here, let me get behind you." He said, sitting behind me on the back of the bench.
I felt his warm hands wander over to the burnt feathers.
"Can I start?" He asked, pinching one of my feathers. I wasn't going to tell him that I had feeling in my wings.
"Whenever you're ready." The sun was slowly going down as the moon became visible. It wasn't completely dark yet, though.
He moved my long hair out of the way, and pulled out a feather. I flinched a bit. So much for not letting him now I could feel it.
"Hey, did that hurt?" He asked.
I quickly shook my head no. He sighed and began plucking out the rest, before long, I felt him softly brushing over them again.
"There! All better!" He said with a big smile, and a handful of partially burnt feathers.
I smiled shyly back at him, then I looked up at the sky.
The orange in his hair was gone, now replaced with the white light of the moon.
"Oh no! It's almost curfew!" I said. He paused for a minute. They'd given us a curfew on what time to be back at our hotels.
I started flapping my wings, there was no way I could make it on foot.
I've been practicing my flying for a while now, although I can't maintain it long, I'd have to try.
"Wait! You're right! I'm not gonna make it back on time!" He replied, his face shocked. I thought for a second.

Surely I could carry Natsu too..

"Thank you so much for your help Natsu! Let me help you as a thank you." I wrapped my arms around him, and flew up.
I was going as fast as I could. I would've summoned him a cloud, but those things go slow if I'm not piloting them. There's no way I could fly back and pilot him a cloud at the same time.
Not only that..
but I sorta kinda forget the spell so I could learn some enchantments..
"Woah! You're like happy!" He replied, smiling wide.
I soared with him, wind blowing in our faces. My wings were a little sore but it didn't matter. I flew down in front of his hotel, and placed him on the balcony outside his room.
I only knew it was his room because I could see Erza through the window.
"Hey! Thanks a lot! You seem really cool!" He said, waving at me as I flew back. I waved goodbye and headed for my hotel. It was nice to spend some time with Natsu, I thought.
My heart fluttered as the image of his adorable smile played in my head.
I grew closer to my hotel, and I saw Jenny watching out the window for me.
I soared towards the window, and I felt my wings losing their abilities.
"Lucille!" She shouted, pulling the window open.
I lost my ability to fly, and glided straight through the window. I fell against the ground and tumbled a bit. I saw my whole group staring at me on the floor. I quickly sat up, and brushed myself off.
"Rough landing?" Ren asked, pulling me up.
"I thought angels were supposed to be graceful." Hibiki joked.
"Shut it!" I said, making a pouty face.
I crossed my arms, standing off to the side.
"Don't disrespect our angel. Her perfume is too lovely." Ichiya said, sniffing the air as he sparkled.
I made an exhausted expression towards him and plopped on the bed.
Flying with Natsu took up a lot of my energy. Flying is difficult for me. Even memorizing new spells is difficult, since I've already learned so many. I usually forget one every time I learn one.
Struggles of being a super awesome mage I guess.
Suddenly, a loud voice spoke up outside.
"Hello wizards! My name is Mato, and welcome to the Grand Magic Games Preliminary Round!
There were so many guild entering this year, we decided we'd have to knock some of you out! From 113 guilds, to a measly eight! That's right! Only eight wizard teams will make into the games!"
I stepped out onto the balcony, confusion on my face as he spoke.
There was an enormous pumpkin man in the sky, which was obviously some kind of illusion.
"We've decided to add a preliminary round to the Grand Magic Games! This preliminary round is known as Sky Labrinth. It's a maze that shifts every hour you're inside! There are a few rules!
If you fall, you're team is out!
All forms of flight magic are prohibited." Mato explained.
..Only two rules?
"By the way, Pumpkins! Any injuries or losses of life within the Sky Labrinth will not be at the fault of the kingdom!"
He continued on.
This was the point when my brain stopped focusing on his words.
A preliminary round? Before the games? I'd never heard of such a thing.
I tuned back in.
"Who ever finds the exit, wins! Only eight teams will win and make it to the games tomorrow! Good luck, pumpkins!"
Just like that, the hologram of Mato disappeared, replaced by the Sky Labyrinth.
A bridge stretched out towards this sphere-shaped, maze to our hotel, and many others.
My team ran out onto the bridge, charging towards the maze. I glanced over, and saw my old guild running as well.
Elfmen was carrying them all.
...Why was he on the team?
I expected maybe Gajeel, or maybe even Wendy.


"You have better things to worry about." Lucy said.
'WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?' I asked her internally.
"I have something I need to tell you about me, but it's not time yet.. After the games, I'll tell you. For now, you need to focus on winning."
I sighed, and continued forward.

She never talked to me anymore, it seemed like now that I had friends, she didn't want to speak with me.
She's right, though. I need to focus on winning.

~~~Fairy Tail, Natsu POV~~~
We searched desperately for the exit of this stupid maze thing.
If only we had Lucy, she could summon one of her spirits and they could tell us where to go. The searching felt hopeless.
We collected a bunch of maps, but most of us weren't smart enough to decipher them.
Erza and Gray were trying, but it would be faster if we had Levy, or Lucy. Or even Freed.
"We've got it!" Gray shouted.
I glanced over and they had assembled a map, and I felt relief wash over me.
There was finally hope.
"Natsu, lets go." Lisanna said, catching my attention.
They were all staring at me, apparently I had been 'lost in my thoughts.' As Lucy would've said.

Hello everyone! I'd like to thank you all for reading my story, it means a lot.
I hope you all enjoy the chapters to come next!
This one was so long I had to split into a second chapter, so there should be another update soon!

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