Day 2

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"Lu-chan, wake up!" A female voice demanded, shaking me.
Their cold hands sent goosebumps up my arms..

Although I could feel them next to me, their voice sounded so far away..

"It's the second day of the games. You've been requested to show up from your guild." Levy told me.

I opened my eyes, blinking slowly.
I groaned.
The comfort of sleep was gone. My soft bed became less welcoming.

"Ack.." I replied, sitting up slowly. I yawned loudly, stretching my arms. My elbows crackled, tension releasing.

I twisted my back. Left, then right.
My spine crackled loudly, Levy seemed a bit surprised.

I tossed my puffy pink comforter onto the ground, not caring enough to put it back properly.

My feet touch the cold hardwood floors, sending shivers up my spine.

"Euuugh!" I muttered quietly.

Levy stood in silence, waiting.

I rubbed my eyes, and wobbled into the kitchen.

She let me get a few steps ahead, then quickly trailed behind me.

"Hello.. Earth to Lu?" Levy questioned, raising a brow.
I approached the sink, and her eyes flickered over to a cabinet.

She walked around me, opening two of the cabinets.

"I'm here.. Sorry, I had a little too much to drink last night.." I replied, leaning against my marble kitchen counters. My eyes followed her, but I ultimately just focused on my counters.

Levy stood on her tiptoes, grabbing a bronze bowl. She closed the door, and grabbed a box of, 'Choco Dragon: Cocoa Wing attack!"  She opened the box neatly and delicately.

Maybe the real reason she came was to take my food..

"I thought that would be the case. You weren't the only one, though. When I came in Natsu was passed out on your couch. Don't worry, I woke him up and ran him off.. Do you remember anything?" Levy asked, grabbing milk from my fridge.

She poured her cereal into her bowl, then the milk.
While she grabbed her spoon and began to eat, I decided to get myself something too.

I reach into my fridge, glancing around for a minute. My eyes landed on some Black Cherry yogurt.

I focused hard on the night before.

Blonde girl...

It came back in flashes, none of it made sense.

"No, not really.." I replied, clearing my throat.

She took a bite, then smiled smugly.
That expression..
It can't be good.

"Do you think you and Natsu had se-" I interrupted her.

Geez, she has such a dirty mind! You'd never expect it from someone like her...

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