Day One

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"Gooo Pegasus!" Jenny shouted, accompanying Chapati Lola and Yagima in the announcers stand.

"Welcome to day one of the Grand Magic Games everyone, I'm Chapati Lola. With me is our gorgeous guest Jenny Realight, from the Blue Pegasus guild. Along with..." Chapati paused, waiting for the old man to reply.

"Yagima." He said curtly, staring ahead blankly.

"The moment you've all been waiting for is only moments away! Our teams are..." He stopped.

"In eighth place, we have the Fairy Tail Guild!" Chapati slowly said, and outstepped their team.

"Lisanna Strauss, Elfman Strauss filling in for Wendy Marvel, Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, and Erza Scarlet!"


To my own surprise, the crowd jeered and booed upon the arrival of Fairy Tail.

Hm, things really have changed..

"Time changes everything." Lucy told me.

I suppose that's true, but it seems seven years changes more than I would've thought..

"In seventh place, Raven Tail?" Chapati clearly questioned, along with the crowd.

"Aren't they a dark guild?" Eve asked.
He turned to me and Hibiki, who stood behind him.

To be honest, I didn't have an answer. They were dark, but it seems they've switched over?

I still don't trust them.

"I..Thought so." Hibiki replied, tapping his chin.

Yagima looked disgusted, he wasn't the only one. I'm as Anti-Raven Tail as possible.


I tuned out of the announcements for a moment to check on everyone.
I could still hear them talking about Raven Tail as I attempted to tune out their chatter.

"How are you guys feeling?" I questioned, hands on my hips.

"I'm great as long as I can smell your excellent perfume." Ichiya said, striking a pose.

"Ick." I replied, shoving him away.

He sat in a corner alone, which kind of relieved me. The farther Ichiya was from me, the better off I am..

"Im dying with anticipation!" Eve said, clasping his hands together.

"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic." I replied quietly.

Despite the fact that I've been with Blue Pegasus for nearly a year, I must say it's not the same as Fairy Tail.

"Just get out there and smile, Eve. We can make the crowd go crazy with our angel." Hibiki said.

I snickered. Leaning against the wall with my arms crossed, I closed my eyes for a second.

I've done shoots for Sorcerer Weekly. I'm not afraid of the public eye.

Hell, I'm a Wizard Saint. I'm in eighth place or so.
I can't be scared of a little attention.

"And in second place, ahead of Fairy Tail B, we have the..." Chapati paused..
I tuned in now, it was almost our time.

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