A Visit From Loki

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Everyone stared in absolute awe.
Gasps and cheers echoed through the guild, and everyone was rather euphoric.
Loki had appeared, just like that!
No one could believe that Warren had done it! He had contacted Loki, even though no one had spoke with him in a while. This was all far too good to be remotely close to true!
Loki had a partial frown on his face. The guild silenced after a few minutes. Everyone waited impatiently.
"Loki! My boy! I'm glad you came so quickly!"
Makarov cheered with a fierce grin. Other members shared the same joyous grin.
"Yeah, no problem.. This is about Lucy, I assume?"
He asked, rather stoic.
Unlike the guild thought, Loki wasn't even in the Spirit realm. He was in Crocus, searching for Lucy, just like Fairy Tail had been searching. They had searchee the entirety of Magnolia for Lucy. Loki couldn't even get close finding her, and didn't think he ever would even get close. But, since Fairy Tail had interrupted him and his searching, it was even less likely he'd even get just a hint to where she would be hiding.
"Yes, it is. We have several questions surrounding the disappearance of Lucy."
Erza spoke up, with a frighteningly stern face. Tension grew in the guild. Loki rested his eyes for a moment.
"Ah, so you want to know everything I know? I don't know as much as you seem to think, but I can tell you, Lucy still has a beating heart. She wasn't attacked, yet. Nor has she caused herself harm. She's just not in this realm. Well, physically she is. But spiritually? No way. Her soul isn't in Fiore, it isn't it the spirit realm either. I don't know where she is, actually."
Loki hinted, with a conflicted expression.
"What do you mean? Tell us more."
Levy said, as she wrote in a small black notepad.
Her speed of writing was beyond human, as if she was writing down every word he said and more.
"Honestly, I can she is fine. Not hurt, just hiding. I have no idea where, though. She isn't in this realm, spiritually, like I previously mentioned. Her body is in Fiore, but her soul, her soul isn't.. I can't summon myself to her, something is blocking my connection. Whatever happened, I know her body is still okay as I can feel her connection. If she was dead, I wouldn't be able to. She has to be somewhere else spiritually. Like, maybe another world?" He thought, staring at the wall. "Like Edolas?" Someone chimed in. "I don't think she's in Edolas either. No, she definitely isn't in Edolas, there's no way she could be."
Loki said, with a thoughtful expression. It was like he was just openly stating his thoughts as they came to him. He wasn't making eye contact with anyone, almost as if he had been talking to himself, and not the large guild.
Loki couldn't tell them more, even if he wanted to. That was all he knew!
He couldn't even pinpoint her location.. Something was interrupting..
He couldn't summon himself to her, if there was no clean connection. He was being truthful about her soul being away.
He didn't tell a single lie, he was vague though. He knew she was in Crocus, Gemini had told him. Gemini and Virgo helped her move. He always knew why she ran away, and that she has changed her appearance. Gemini and Virgo hadn't told him where she lived, because Lucy told them to tell no one. Gemini and Virgo didn't have the strength to summon themselves and find Lucy, so they were hopeless. They all just hoped she was safe. Loki couldn't understand their reasoning as to why they wouldn't tell him, but he stopped persisting.
He adjusted his glasses, as the guild members exchanged varying glances.
Any of the remaining cheerful energy in the guild dissipated entirely.
"Why did she leave the guild?" Someone shouted at Loki. He seemed irritated by that question. He sighed, irritation in his expression. He wasn't going to hold back. They deserved to feel bad for what they did.
"You should know the answer to that one. Fairy Tail members were spreading rumors about her!
One of you even did an anonymous interview with Sorcerer Weekly, just to insult her strength and personality." There was silence, which only made Loki angrier.
"Guess you guys never read the headlines, huh? 'Lucy Heartfilia exposed by anonymous female fellow Fairy Tail member!' It was all over the place for a long time! A girl from this guild spread lots of lies against Lucy!" Loki said, harshly.
The guild members frowned, but they still had one question left on their minds. No one wanted to address what Loki said, so they ignored it.
Like they had done before.
The guild members glanced at each other, unsure whether to be happy she was okay, or sad because they were to blame for her disappearance.
People whispered among eachother, discussing their thoughts quietly.
Someone finally spoke up.
"Loki, we have one final question."
Erza said, hushing the whispering and attracting all the attention to herself and Loki again.
"Okay, but try to make it as quick as you possibly can, I really do have to leave soon."
He demanded, putting his hand on his hip.
He wanted to go back to Celestial Spirit world before he said too much. Then he would return to searching after he researched the situation a bit more.
"Of course. Now then, Loki, what do you think is happening to Lucy?" Erza asked.
The guild waited in silence.
Anticipation lingered in the air.
Even Natsu was paying close attention.
Loki paused, as he thought about her question.
How could he answer her without giving it away that he knew roughly where she was? He'd searched all of Crocus, though. If he couldn't find her, what were the chances they could..? He almost considered telling them she was in Crocus somewhere. No.
She wouldn't want that.
She ran away for a reason.
He refused to ruin that for her.
He finally mustered up a small speech to give them. It would at least hold their curiosity over for a while.
He rubbed his temples, and wiped his glasses. He placed them back on his nose, then he finally answered her question.
Everyone stared with curious eyes.
"I know that Lucy is alive. I still feel a connection. I just can't go to it. I believe that Lucy is in hiding, so that way she doesn't hurt anyone anymore. So she doesn't get hurt anymore. She wanted to protect the guild and herself." He took a pause before he finished. It was hard for him to talk to them.

He was so mad at them for what they had done.

"If she had stayed, bad things would've happened to her and the guild.
You see, people have been threatening her life. Not only her life, but also have been threatening to attack your guild. If I could guess, I'd say Lucy is probably just running away from it all."
He had accidentally said just a small bit too much. However, he hadn't said enough to harm or damage Lucy's plans. He felt relieved now that he had finally answered every question Fairy Tail had to ask him.
They would leave him alone now.
Shock, relief, anger, and sorrow fell onto the faces of the guild members as they gathered their thoughts.
At first, they only considered the bad, but they then paid attention to the fact that she was safe, and that was all that mattered to them.
A quivering voice spoke up.
"Even in the worst situations, Lu is still good hearted.. I think you're right Loki."
Levy said, as a single tear slid down her cheek.
"Juvia believes that Lucy is living! Juvia feels disgusted that she treated Lucy so badly without a second thought! Juvia feels bad for forgetting about Lucy. But most of all, Juvia is happy Lucy is okay. She knows Lucy would never abandon her family for no reason!" Juvia spoke up, a look of hope and sadness on her face.
The guild shared smiles with each other, and hugged. Suddenly, the whole guild was in high spirits. No one could explain why. The news that Lucy was okay was so important to them it boosted their whole mood.
"Well said, Juvia." Master said with pride.
After they all settled down, they said their goodbyes to Loki.
Then, Loki left, in cloud of golden glitter.
Once he was back into the Celestial Spirit World, he sighed in relief.
He hoped Lucy wouldn't be mad for all he had said to Fairy Tail. He knew she didn't want them to be associated with her too often.
It's okay though, Lucy isn't quick tempered. She would probably get over it really quick, even if she was mad at him. He would understand either way.

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