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The second I opened my eyes, I felt that I couldn't move my limbs. I felt cold, and my eyes were sore.
After a few minutes of squirming and exerting an unnecessary amount of force, I finally regained my ability to move. I sat up, and and hit my head on something. Then I realized where I was.
Judging by the silence, and cushion below my back, the rectangle shape, and polished feeling wood, that... I was in a coffin.
Judging by previous research, you can only survive in an average sized coffin for seven hours..
I'm doomed.
This is it.
No. It can't be.
I just have to preserve my air, by taking in less oxygen.
I was always afraid of being buried alive. I guess that's what this trial is.. The last trial was facing your fears, this one would be destroying them. The first trial was learning to have hope when fear was all you had. I guess if I'm supposed to destroy my fears, I would have to keep calm.

That means no screaming, or talking, until I'm finally released from this hellish box.
I immediately needed to take action, no room for thinking!
I took in a deep breath, and clenched my right fist. I threw my fist repeatedly into the roof of the coffin.
I beat against the wood continuously until I felt my knuckles start to bleed, though, I was positive I had loosened it somewhat.
I laid down onto my back, and kicked the roof with great force using my right leg.
I heard what seemed like a chain snap, loosening the opening further. A small crack opened in the coffin and water began to flood in. My back began to get wet, but my face wasn't covered. With the water, lift also creeped in. I began to kick, using both legs vigorously, and I felt my lungs begin to burn. I released the breath, as I had been holding it in for at least five minutes. Water was getting close to face, and I attempted to rise up as best as possible.
I took a few seconds to inhale a few small breaths, before resuming my kicking.
I felt another chain burst, and with that the coffin opened.
The second the coffin opened, a wave of water rushed into the coffin.
I instantly grabbed my bow and arrow, as well as my quiver and swam upwards, as I did, a few of my arrows floated out of my quiver before I could retrieve them.
I was extremely deep in the water, as if I were at the bottom of lake. The water was a disgusting olive color, and was filled with algae, seaweed, and garbage.
My lungs began to burn again,
as I aimlessly swam towards the surface.
I could no longer stand the burn, and released my breath within the water.
I felt some water enter my lungs, but I could not cough it out quite yet.
My eyes burned just as horrifically as my lungs previously did.
After a few more minutes of torture, I finally reached the surface.
My head emerged from the filthy water, and i began to cough and spit the disgusting liquid everywhere until I felt the majority of it had exited my body, I wiped my eyes and glanced at my surroundings.
When I looked ahead, I felt great relief. There was a small island just around twenty feet from me.
I swam as briskly as I possibly could've.
Once I reached the island, I pulled myself onto the sandy terrain.
I laid on the ground for a few moments, and then wiped the seaweed off of my legs, and pulled the various collection of disgusting garbage from my hair.
I let out a few remaining coughs, and began to walk around the area, armed with my bow, which was at ready. While searching the area, I noticed the horrid stench of the place. It stunk of burning rubber, hair, and maybe flesh. The whole place reeked.
I glanced behind each of the few trees, under the large rocks, which I struggled to move. After that, I plopped back onto the sand.
I let out a heavy sigh.
I could already tell that I had hell to come.
I did a few basic stretches, and popped my knuckles.
God, I already miss my bed..
What do I do now? Not die?
What is the objective here?
I heard a small voice whisper.
It said again.
"Who is there?!"
I asked fearfully, and loaded my bow, as I studied around me.
"Lu lu."
"Oh Lucccyy!"
The voices said. There were more of them now.
"We know what you've done Lucy.."
They said again. They all seemed to shriek the most horrifying, high pitched, laugh I had ever heard.
Mind games!
That's what this is! They can't even hurt me! Just a dream! Yeah! I tried my best to convince myself that was the truth. I knew it wasn't, though. I could very well be murdered in this place. I would have to act emotionless to get these guys to leave me alone. That's what worked on the spiders! I pretended to not be afraid. I quickly though of something intimidating. "Back off. I don't need anymore annoying creatures in my life right now, but thanks anyway."
I said sassily, putting away my arrows and bow.
"Excuse me? How dare you?! If you have enough, then I guess I'll have to change that, won't I?" It asked voice getting slightly more insane.
"Nothing you can change." I said, as I slowly climbed a dead tree.
"That so? Well then, I'll be seeing you soon, miss! We will test your theorem!" It said, releasing a heinous giggle.
"What a freak." I said, hoping it would chime in once again, so I could prove it was still there. Judging by the lack of response, I assumed it had already disappeared.
In the near distance, I saw a disheveled town. You could barely call it that. It looked like the rubble of the village from my second trial.
Deciding I would leave this small desolate island, I plummeted into the disgusting water, and swam across the sea of garbage.
Once my foot finally touched the ground, I relaxed a bit.
That was until behind me, I felt a blistering heat. I turned behind me, and where the water once stood, was know an ocean of raging flames.
I felt them lick at my legs, and I made sure to get away from them. My lips parted in shock.
The entire lake was now just flames.
The island where I once stood melted away, into nothing. It was like I was hallucinating.
The ground around me soon began to ignite in flames. It was like the entire area was doused in gasoline. I started running towards the village, fearing I would melt next, as fast my legs would take me.
My feet stung at the mercy of the heated grains of sand.
My running continued, but I didn't feel as if I was making any progress towards the village whatsoever.
I was getting further from the fire, but the village was still the far distance.
I began to wheeze with every step I ran against the rugged terrain, my lungs filled with a raging burn, and my heart was filled with a raging tinge of determination. The air felt horrid, and burned when I breathed it in. I couldn't help but occasionally cough as I attempted to flee from the flames. I heard distant giggling, and I knew the creatures who mocked me earlier caused this. I guess I acted too tough. My head began to ache, and every piece of my body grew sore. My vision blurred.

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