The Grand Magic Games

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-One Month Later-
It's been a month since I broke down with Levy Mcgarden in my kitchen. The dark guild Hell's Mages has went quiet, and the arena for The Grand Magic Games was repaired. Today's the day that our team will be announced, and we'll all get a hotel together closer to Domus Flou.
Right now, I'm on my way to the guild. I'm fully equipped with my dagger, keys, bow, and all my arrows.

I already know I'll be competing.
My boots softly tapped the ground as I approached the door of the guild, pushing them open. There was a loud creak as the mahogany doors opened. I was greeted by the Tri-men. I saw Ichiya standing behind them, posing like usual. I'm glad the boys had at least grown out of that.

Ichiya on the other hand.. Had not changed at all.

"Lucille! It's good you're here, Master Bob is going to announce the teams in thirty minutes!"
Eve said, approaching me. Hibiki and Ren followed behind him.

"I'm sure you'll be the head of the team." Ren said, a sly smile on his face.

I sat down at the bar and ordered a strawberry milkshake, and the boys sat beside me.
"You know, I've been anticipating this for a while." I said, happily.

Hibiki raised his eyebrows.

"I'm excited to fight people who are actually on par with me." I said, an arrogant tone to my voice.
"As if there would be anyone there matched to you!" Hibiki replied, grinning.
Today would be a good day, that much I was sure of. I took a sip of my milkshake, and watched as people bustled around to serve others.
Although Blue Pegasus is known for being a beautiful and classy guild, we still drink and party like everyone else.
Once Master Bob has inspired everyone, people are going to be cheering and jumping up and down.
Most people think of us as nothing more than pretty.

That'll be their first mistake.
When I first met the Trimen, I thought so too.
The boys just love to flirt, that's all.

Today I was wearing a mid-calf length dress, which cinched in around the waist.
The dress had straps rather than sleeves, and had a black petticoat beneath it. It was a deep shade of indigo, and as usual, I was wearing various pieces of Star and space related jewelry.

Two golden star earrings, and a golden necklace with Saturn on it. My hair was tied into two long braids.
"Listen closely dearies! Today will be the day we announce the competitors for our team in the Grand Magic Games!" Master Bob said, in his usual gleeful tone.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up.

Master Bob was standing on the stage, microphone in hand. I couldn't help but stare at his wings. It was something he and I had common. My own twitched as I though of them.
I glanced to my side and Hibiki was staring at my wings. I flapped them, and it seemed to startle him.
I looked back to Master Bob.
"As all of you know, this years Grand Magic Games is extra special! Fairy Tail is joining, not only that, but we also have our Celestial Angel competing!" He said, clasping his hands together. People erupted with cheering, and I felt eyes turn to me. I couldn't help but blush. It felt good to be talked about so highly. I was always in Natsu's shadow back at Fairy Tail. No matter what I did, everyone thought Natsu or Erza could do it better.

I'm finally my own person at Blue Pegasus. I'm strong, and I'm inside of no one else's shadow.

"Aw, Lucille is blushing!" Ren said, elbowing me in the arm.
"Shut up!" I retorted, clearly embarrassed.

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