Sweat It Out!

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If I wanted to take this 'becoming powerful'  thing seriously, I needed to workout more.

That time I spent at Magellan's class really showed me that I seriously lack in physical power. I booked more classes with him, I feel like he will really help me.

This morning, I went and some bought healthy food that would help me get physically stronger.

As I put it all in the fridge, I can't help but be excited. I'm not stopping until Ive got abs!

I put on some basic running shoes, and walked outside. I looked up at the sky, admiring it for a second. It was beautiful, thin wispy clouds stretched across the blue. Highlights of orange and yellow decorating it as the sun rises.

I returned my thoughts to the task at hand, time for a morning jog.

I started jogging straight, the streets nearly empty. Crocus wouldn't be busy again until closer to the Grand Magic Games.
Apart from being the capital, and spring flowers, that was a major attraction for tourists.

I felt myself working up a sweat, my face heating up. I pushed myself farther, attempting to speed up some.

My calves and legs burned, but now wasn't a good time to stop.

I jogged until I reached a park where I stopped for a break.

I have Magellan's Self Defense lessons at two pm.

Then, at four pm I'll be attending Military Combat and at six I have a Martial Arts Class.

Scheduled everyday for a month..


"Welcome, everyone! I see some new faces, and some old ones. Today, we're learning about ways to effectively dodge and block. Grab a partner, and get in your places!" Magellan said, giving us a thumbs up.

His outfit today was a bit strange. White athletic shorts with orange surrounding the seams.
He had on a neon green sweatband, matching two wristbands he had on.

He had a red muscle shirt on, covered in sweat stains. He was muscular, and had his brown hair cut short and spiked.

His style seemed fairly western and modern to me.

I looked away, hoping he didn't see me staring.

A short, white haired girl by the name of Kimi approached me. I looked down at her, and she requested to be my partner. She was serious, but didn't seem particularly bad.

I gave the small girl a smile.

"Sure, let's do this!" I said cheerfully, we began practicing the forms Magellan had demonstrated prior.

Magellan's examined everyone, and I got a bit nervous when he came to me and Kimi.
"Lucille, block!" He said, throwing a punch at me.

I swiftly used my arms to block him, and he did the same to Kimi. Her form was better, but I was much faster.

He nodded to himself for a minute, making marks on his checkboard.

"Kimi, dodge!" He said, throwing another punch. She dropped down, and he missed.

"Lucille, dodge!" He said, going for an uppercut. I jumped back, and fell onto my butt.

I should probably work on my balance.

Magellan smiled, and extended his arm to me. I stood up, with his assistance.

"Hey, at least you didn't get punched!" He said, giving me a wink and a thumbs up.

"Yeah, I suppose.." I said, rubbing my neck in embarrassment.

"Next time, try going to the side." He said, walking away.

I sighed, then Kimi and I resumed practice.


Me and the others exited the class, and I took a drink from my water bottle. I reapplied some deodorant and perfume, then stopped in the park again.

Military combat is next, located in a small room a decent distance from here. I began walking there, watching the time as I did so.

~\\~Military Combat Class~\\~

The group of us filed in, most of us female.

I looked around, and didn't see Kimi. I felt a bit disappointed. I glanced around the room, the walls were a peachy beige color, surrounded with white trim. The walls had brochures and adverts to the class pinned up, and two flags.

The flooring was laminate which was meant to look like light colored wood.

I continued observing, and I noticed two more mint flags by the white board in the front of of the class.

Our instructor must be quite the Patriot.

"I am Sonya, welcome to my Military Combat Class. First, I'd like to ask what any of you know about Military Combat... "

And so, Sonya began her lengthy class. She crammed our brains with facts about the military, fighting, and biology. Then we got to the exercise part, which was the most exciting. We demonstrated forms, did Military workouts, and even sparred with eachother.

After that, I headed straight to Martial Arts.

Just like every other class I had that day, I was tested physically and mentally.
My teacher there was a young guy, his name was Budo. He was filling in for the actual teacher that day.

Once I finally finished every class for the day, I had a new plan.

There's no way I'll ever improve just by taking classes. I'll need some jobs too.

Before I can rest tonight, I need to go get a job from my guild.

One that will really tax me physically.


After the month finally reached its end, Lucille had reached a level of physical power which she had never been close to.
She had never imagined she'd make it this far, she figured maybe at this level she could win an arm wrestle with Erza Scarlet herself.

She also had quite a bit of savings in the bank after taking all those jobs...

She even earned quite a few celestial keys!

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