Physical Training

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It's been a month, and honestly the time went surprisingly quick.

Blue Pegasus immediately accepted me as one of their own,  and even nicknamed me "The Celestial Angel" like Lucy did. Everyone treats me like as if I am a goddess. It's kind of, strange.. To be truthful. Though, it's a good kind of strange. Not even Fairy Tail treated me as great as Blue Pegasus does.
I suppose I'm like their key to success in the Grand Magic Games.

We've been playing games together, throwing parties, anything fun. I've been taking jobs everyday, on my own. I've used the Jewel to by myself new clothes, new furniture, and had my arrows duplicated. Most of the time. I didn't even use my arrows, they mostly get left at home. I always bring my dagger and keys, though. If I ever needed my bow and arrow, I have the ability summon them at will. I can't remember the name of that spell, but Lucy told me about it. She said it's because of the charm I wear, as long as I have on the charm, I can summon them. I've done way better by myself than I ever would have with Team Natsu. Actually, I've been doing something for my old guild.. Out of Sympathy, of course.  I have been attacking dark guilds that had their heinous eyes on Fairy Tail.

After Ren fully explained what happened to Fairy Tail, I felt horrible. 

..I may have hunted down what remained of some enemy guilds and destroyed them.
I had destroyed Grimoire Heart first, the guild who attacked Fairy Tail at Tenro Island. Or, what was left of them. The only two remaining members didn't even fight me. Their guild master was dead, he was killed by Zeref. Acnologia destroyed my friends after Grimoire Heart attacked.

It's been in the local news that strange dark guilds have been being defeated, with no clues as to who has been doing it. Even Sorcerer's Weekly reported on it.

Well, it's me, as many could eventually guess.
Only my guild mates and myself actually know, they knew it was me because I have been sneaking out of the guild at late hours, with a black cloak on.
Apparently that's way too obvious for them.
Today was the day we were training, and the Trimen and Ichiya would be awaiting me outside. I was excited to train them.
Though, I'm also kind of unsure, because I don't really know how much I need to teach.
I guess I'll find out sooner or later.
Hopefully sooner.
Now, for training.
"Lucille, I think we need to go hard on these children." Lucy said smugly, as I approached the Trimen, and Ichiya.  They awaited me upon hill by our guild hall.
I could see them waving in the distance as I slowly got closer.

"Welcome~ Angel." Ichiya said with his signature disgusting voice as I finally reached them, I shuddered at his nickname for me.

"Hey, Lucille!" Eve greeted me,  tightly hugging my side.

"Hey Eve! How was your weekend?" I said as I patted his back, and he pulled away from the hug.
"It's was fun! I've been anticipating this training during the entire weekend!"
Eve said, eyes sparkling.
I smiled warmly at him without my teeth showing.
"Ren, Hibiki, how were your weekends?"
"Pretty good." Said Hibiki.
"Practically the same here." Ren agreed, saying his was good as well.
"Well, everyone, guess we should start training then.
This month, we are going to be doing mostly physical training, no magic this month, which is ever so unfortunate." I said.
I snapped my fingers, and summoned leather punching bags, all five of which hung from trees a distance apart. I had purchased the anticipating today. I used a transportation spell to bring them here. You can send things away, or bring them to you.
And no, you can't even wish someone to another continent, I've already tried that one on Ichiya. It doesn't work on people, or living creatures at all.
You also can only use the spell three times a day, so be sure to spend your wishes well.
I snapped my fingers again, but this time with my left hand.
On my command, some rope and weights appeared.
"Let's get started, then!" I said, walking towards the center of the of the area with all of the objects.
"Excuse me angel, but you never asked how my weekend was!" Ichiya interrupted.
I just ignored him, and gestured for the Trimen to follow me.
They all chuckled and Ren even lightly teased Ichiya. They didn't refer to Ichiya as their leader anymore, they considered me their leader.
"Eve west, Ren south, Hibiki north, and Ichiya east. I'll use this one." They all ran to the area with the punching bag in the direction I said, and I walked to the one in the center of it all.
"Punch the bag, as hard as you can. No magic." I instructed.
They each hit their bags, and everyone of them had a flaw. I noticed Eve and Hibiki had especially weak hits.
"I see.." I said vaguely, as I briskly approached Eve.
"Eve, you aren't making the correct form with your fist." I took his hand and straightened his arm, and untucked his thumb.
"That is a much better form, and it does more damage. You're also less likely to break your thumb." Next I walked towards Hibiki, one hand on my hip.
"Hibiki, you need watch your footing. If you have such a sloppy stance, I could breathe on you and you'd fall." Next I went to Ren, who waited patiently.
"Ren, you are doing near perfect. Though, I'd suggest you fix your posture." And finally, I walked to Ichiya.
"Ichiya, you swing too far forward when you punch. It could cause you to miss. Try to be a bit more stiff."
Then I walked to the center again.
"Now, kick the bag."
They each did so, and yet again, they all had a flaw when they did so. I leaned against the tree, and put my hand on my forehead.
They knew less than I had expected.
"Eve, fix your footing, or you'll fall. Hibiki, change the position of your foot, you could break in it that form. Ren, don't be a show off, this is serious.
Ichiya, try lifting your leg a bit higher, you're kicking the bag not the dirt." I said as I shut my eyes.
For the rest of the day I made them practice simple fighting forms, until they had each of them perfect.
Each have to do fifty pushups, thirty crunches, seventy lunges, and twenty laps back and forth across the hill. I participated too, even though I really didn't have to. Ichiya lagged behind in the running, by a lot. Then, I tied large tree stumps to their arms and make them climb trees with the weight. It would help them build strength in their arms.
After that, I corrected each of their individual diets. That way, they would be getting healthier, which would make it easier for them to become far more powerful.
I decided Hibiki needed more protein in his diet, Ren needed some b vitamins, and Eve needed more carbs in his body.

Ichiya needed a whole lot of everything.

I had to go through their cabinets and throw away anything that was bad for their bodies, and I also had to refill their cabinets, but it was no real trouble, to be quite honest.
Next month, I will be teaching them more magic, and unlocking their second origin.
That should be plenty of fun.

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