Break up!

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Once we finally returned to my guild, I dropped Natsu straight on the ground in front of the rest of the guild.
Gray sat Lisanna in chair.
Everyone stared in silence.
"We brought both of em back, Master." Gray said, approaching Makarov.
Levy and I followed behind him.
"Thank you, my boy." Makarov said gratefully, looking over at the incapacitated couple. "Would you mind taking them to the infirmary?"
Makarov asked us hesitantly.
"That'd be no problem." I said, before Gray could reply. I knelt down and threw Natsu over my shoulder again, and carried him down into our infirmary.
I laid him in a bed, and hooked some IV's to his arms. I grabbed some bandages from a drawer, and slowly moved his shirt.
I felt like a bit of a pervert...
I wiped off the scrapes and cuts across his body, then
I wrapped his chest and hands in bandages.
I put back on his shirt and scarf, and approached the sleeping Lisanna. As much as I didn't like her, she still deserved treatment.  I cleaned up her wounds, then bandaged her.
In a few seconds, they both began to wake up. "Well, I'm heading back upstairs. You two can do whatever." Gray said, walking away. Once he was gone, me and Levy agreed to eavesdrop while we were here
. I had just the right spell for this, after all. I grabbed and worked up an invisibility spell.
"Heavenly angels, protect me. I am your sister and I need to be free of the eyes of eyes people below. Protect me with the gift of invisibility!" I said quietly, becoming completely invisible. I casted the spell twice, but instead of requesting invisibility for myself I requested it for Levy.
Once it was impossible for us to both be seen, we sat down in a corner and watched. The first person to wake up was Lisanna. She approached Natsu and shook him a bit, waking him up. "What is it Lisanna?" He asked, clearly in more pain than she was.
He could barely move.

That made me feel kinda bad..

"Natsu, were going to be in serious trouble! And it's all because you felt like you smelled a trace of that Lucy girl!"  Lisanna said coldly. My eyes opened wide, even though no one could see then. Levy squeezed my hand with hers.
"Don't talk about her like that. She might be a traitor and have done some bad stuff, but she's still a Fairy Tail Wizard. We let Laxus in after he caused all of that trouble I told you about. We should do the same for her." Natsu said quietly.
Lisanna seemed shocked, as were me and Levy. But not for the same reasons.
"Why do you still care about her?! She's gone and I'm here! We've been together long before she disappeared, so why are you suddenly trying to get her?" Lisanna asked, jabbing his chest coldly. "Lisanna, it's not like that." Natsu said, growling a bit. "You know what Natsu? It's over. You can go hunt down that blonde bimbo on your own time!" Lisanna said, giving Natsu a cruel expression. I noticed she had a promise ring on.. So did Natsu. She took hers and threw it at him, and stormed upstairs. Natsu was bed ridden.
I saw tears swell in his eyes, and I felt more guilt than I had in a while.
Levy clenched my hand again, and I tried to keep calm. I just wanted to bash her head in and give him a hug. He thought I was a traitor still, but he was willing to forgive me for my apparent mistakes. I knew I needed to get out of here before I did something I didn't want to.
I snuck Levy and I out of the infirmary, and I freed us of the invisibility spell. We walked up the stairs onto the main floor, and I spoke to Makarov. "Hey, Makarov, is it okay if Levy and I go to my apartment for lunch? I know you don't want them leaving the guild, but my apartment is right down the street. And she'll be with me!" I pleaded, trying my best to convince him.
"Oh alright, just try not to keep her gone too long." Makarov said, smiling.
"Thank you!" I said, dragging Levy away. As we approached the door, I saw Bickslow and Lisanna standing in a corner.
They were very.. Close. Then I heard her say something that really pissed me off.
"Yeah, it's done. I left him, threw the ring right in his face! We can be together.." I heard Lisanna say. Bickslow seemed overly proud of her, and snaked his arms around her. He began to kiss her, and I just took Levy's hand and left. Lisanna seemed so much sweeter around him..
Maybe she was being mean to Natsu on purpose, hoping he'd break up with her.
I lead her to my house, which was a little farther away than I had told Makarov. Once we got inside, I cooked Levy and I some food. We discussed everything as we ate.
"I guess Lisanna wasn't in love with Natsu after all.. She's in love with Bickslow." Levy said, taking a small bite of food.
"Yeah, that was definitely shocking. Levy, can I tell you something?" I asked her. "I..I think I'm beginning to slip from the light.. I've been so angry recently..." I said, looking down into my bowl of soup. She took another bite and furrowed her eyebrows.
"Revenge tends to do that to people.. I'm sure that you'll be fine, don't worry." Levy said, trying to reassure me.
"I hope so. I wouldn't want to want to become a dark being.. Then I'd lose my best friend!" I said to her, trying to be more upbeat.
"Yeah right! Dark or light, I'll be by your side till the end!" She said, cheerfully.
I smiled at her, and giggled a bit. I value loyalty more than practically anything. Levy was exactly the definition of loyal.
"Levy, you're the sweetest."  I said, smiling again. She chuckled, then paused.
"Lucille, there's something I forgot to mention.. The Grand Magic Games for this year have been postponed.."

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