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I felt a dizzying sensation, and awoke against the scorching sands.

My skin burned, but I couldn't pay attention to it.

I must have passed out, from exhaustion.
I  laid still against the ground for a moment, until I finally regained control of my fatigued muscles, and stood up, swaying side to side.
I glanced around my surroundings, and noticed that I had been in the exact position I remembered, still a distance from the village, except I was no longer surrounded by flames.

The area around me was still very hot though, it made me feel miserable.

The air was incredibly arid, making it hard to breathe.
It felt as if you weren't breathing at all, even if you were.

I coughed and wheezed, knocking any liquid or sand out of my throat or body.
I hacked out large lumps of sand, and a piece of seaweed, disgustingly enough.
Relaxing for only a mere moment in the blistering heat.

I began to continue on my way toward the village, using groggy, tired, steps.

Everything in this place is so random, I haven't the slightest idea of what will come next, though I know it's going to be negative.
My head ached, and as did my legs.  I felt like I was going to puke. My skin felt sunburned, and sticky from sweat. Grains of sand cling to the exposed parts of my legs and arms.

I looked ahead.

The village was close.

I started dry heaving until I threw up everything I had eaten earlier.. Why did this feel so much like the second trial, but amplified?  I couldn't just lay on the ground in my misery, though. I had to keep going. No complaining. I walked along the burning ground.
My shoes were gone, they fell off as I swam in the toxic water..
My wet socks were the only things keeping my feet from blistering..
My side and back was covered in burns from laying on that sand..

I lumbered towards the village, the air getting colder as I approached it.
I painted.

Not much longer, now. I'm nearly there

My vision blurred and went black every now and then, against my control.

I continued walking for a long time.

Until finally, I reached the small, run down, village.
I began to carefully head towards a building, and I opened to door slowly. It made a quiet creaking noise, before falling off its charred hinges.

I could hear the buzzing of flies, and an unbelievable stink.

I walked in, and glanced around. At first, I saw nothing. Then, it hit me. Something charred laying the corner.
It was..
There was a corpse in here. Laying on the ground next to me.
I shrieked in terror.

It was burnt up, I couldn't even tell if it was male or female. Disgust rose in my stomach. What happened to them? I walked closer.. Obviously they had burnt up..
When I got closer, I realized that had a charm around their neck. It was completely unharmed. It was the other person who never made it out..

I felt puke rise in my throat, but it didn't make its way out. I stepped back away from the carcass quickly, and ran out of the building. Despite seeing that atrocity, I knew I would have to continue searching for something to keep me alive. I couldn't lose this!

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